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20-90  at  Thematic  LIF  level  and  that  only  needs  the  Gram   the Gram Panchayat, and they have every right to have access to
         Panchayat to put its system in place.                  their data.

         Considering  also  that  currently  the  GPs  deal  with  around  33
                                                                     The list of data entry being done at Gram
         Registers  at  GP  level  in  the  GP  functioning  itself  (in
                                                                 Panchayat level is perhaps many times the number
         Maharashtra) - 5 are annual, 6 are monthly, and 22 are daily,       of data points for the LIF.
         having  range  from  5-42  columns,  roughly  some  478  columns
         altogether.  GP  Presidents  and  Gram  sevaks  training  program   6. Data availability
         covers  these  and  they  work  with  them  regularly.  The  400  +   It  is  clear  that  currently  available  data  does  not  provide  the
         indicators  going  to  be  difficult,  is  unlikely.  It  may  in  fact  be   requisite  data.  It  is  worth  mentioning  that  the  Aspirational
         quite simple and meaningful as it deals with aspects of their life   Districts programme led by NITI Aayog, has chosen to actually
         and  to  plan  and  work  on  improvements  to  their  GP  and   enter/re-enter  the  data  on  83  indicators  and  81  data  points,
         development for them, in a structured manner of the needs and   engaged manpower for it and is monitored through an elaborate
         goals to be achieved.                                  and high-level system.

         4. Tough data collection exercise
         There  are  more  than  400  indicators  spanning  various      Limiting indicators LIF & PDI to
         departments.  Collection  of  this  much  data  can  be  a  difficult   data available is not a solution.
         task, simply due to the extensiveness of the data set involving
         multiple departments, and also the lack of current capacity of   Limiting  indicators  LIF  &  PDI  to  data  available  is  not  a
         local functionaries to collect this data, and readiness to share it.   solution. Data collection from the owners of the data at Gram
         However,  the  data  collection  difficulty  can  be  relieved  by   Panchayat  level,  has  been  done  for  the  NPA  of  the  MoPR
         fetching  most  of  the  data  from  various  portals  of  the   covering  all  Gram  Panchayats  for  90  indicators  on  the
         government, and capacity building. For the NIF, MoSPI sources   9 Themes. Data collection by the Gram Panchayat in the pilot in
         data  from  different  Ministries/Department/Agencies,  finds  it  a   Maharashtra covering 30 Gram Panchayats has been done for
         challenging  task,  but  has  become  easier  and  more  structured   all  688  data  points  and  577  indicators.  Data  collection  in  the
         year on year.                                          field has shown that it is possible to make more data available.
                                                                The  experience  has  given  great  learnings,  and  it  is  very  clear
         5. Non-familiarity with data
                                                                that  this  challenge  can  be  well  addressed.  Putting  in  place  a
         Data is collected in an MA survey, another set is collected for
                                                                standardised system of data collection, can make data available
         the  preparation  of  VPRP  by  the  VPRC,  data  is  entered  in
                                                                for PDI from Gram Panchayat, from administrative data and as
         various portals of various Ministries, down to individual details
                                                                required,  from  Survey.  There  is  no  case  for  a  reduction  of
         like  in  POSHAN  Tracker,  UDISE+,  eGramSwaraj  portal  has
                                                                relevant  data  points  and  indicators  due  to  the  slow  pace  of
         Gram Panchayat entering Gram Panchayat data, data comes into
                                                                data sharing or not making available Gram Panchayat level
         PFMS.  The  list  of  data  entry  being  done  at  Gram  Panchayat
                                                                data through appropriate IT and other solutions.
         level is perhaps many times the number of data points for the
         LIF.                                                   7. Data validation
                                                                Integrity  of  data  needs  also  good  mechanism  of  validation  of
         Data  is  not  in  that  way  new  to  the  Gram  Panchayats  and
                                                                data. These can be put in place, considering the different data
         functionaries.  It  is  only  in  data  integration  from  different
                                                                points to be collected.
         owners  (government  departments),  that  it  seems  to  be  a
         challenge. This data is of the people, works, and information in

                                PDI Committee Report - 2023: Challenges and Limitations
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