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6. Challenges in Data Collection:                            understand the data points, some of which was wrongly
            There were certain challenges in data collection at GP level,   entered in some of the data points.

           these were-                                             h.  Difference between data source data and GP level data
                                                                      was  not  fully  understood  when  filling  the  data  form.
           a.  Indicators were many which was time taking and GPs
                                                                      Some errors were there due to that.
               were  not  used  to  this  kind  of  lengthy  data  collection.
               They  also  needed  to  update  their  records  to  the   7. Data Collection Monitoring and Validation of
                                                                   Collected Data:
               reference period, for this process.
           b.  All functionaries were needed to come together and see      Dedicated  team  of  SIRD,  YASHADA  was  engaged  in
               where  the  data  source  is  maintained  and  coordinated   monitoring the data collection who manually went through
               amongst  themselves  for  that  particular  indicator  and   each data point and see if the data filled does not have any

               look for the official records.                      discrepancies.  In  case  discrepancies  found  by  the  team,
           c.  GP  Secretary  had  to  collect  all  the  data  of  line   respective GPs were asked to rectify it and fill in the data as
                                                                   required.  While  YASHADA  team  was  monitoring  data
               department functionaries who were not responsive.
                                                                   collection process, the National Committee obtained the help
           d.  Some line department functionaries were not willing to
                                                                   of  Data  Scientist  of  IIT  Chennai  who  supported  in
               provide  data  on  certain  indicators  and  needed  to
                                                                   standardising the Google forms for data entry and in system
               convince them. Follow up with them 7-8 times during
                                                                   level  data  validation.  Many  discrepancies  were  raised  and
               the process.
                                                                   highlighted  in  number  of  HHs  in  GP,  Household  tap
           e.  There  were  some  indicators  for  which  data  was  not   connections  etc  which  were  rectified  with  the  help  of
               available  in  existing  records.  This  was  needed  to  be   dashboards maintained by governments. So, even before the
               collected   afresh   especially   Police,   Agriculture   APIs  came  to  place,  in  practise  the  Departments  database

               department.                                         was used for data collection at GP level, except that it was
                                                                   manually noted from the Database.
           f.  In  some  instances,  especially  Police  department  asked
               official letters for providing data which was time taking   8. Additional support to some GPs :

               process.                                            Except  6-7  GPs,  most  GPs  could  fill  the  data  as  desired.
           g.  AWW  and  ASHA  workers  were  used  to  their  work   Those  which  could  not  be  on  certain  indicators  was
               boundaries  and  expectations,  which  prevented  them  to   supported by YASHADA team to fill and rectify the errors
                                                                   by constant follow up.

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