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           Most GPs though faced many issues while filling the data but expressed that the process actually helped the GP and suggested
           that all  GPs in India should collect the data on LIF to understand their real situation in all sectors. This process gave them holis-
           tic picture of their performance in various sectors and coordination with functionaries increased. GPs suggested that this infor-
           mation should be filled in every year and the records be kept with GP which would help them do situational analysis and integrat-
           ed planning considering all sectors. However, non-utilising data collection for development may lead to pessimistic feeling that
           nothing will happen to our efforts on data as Government collects for sake of collection, and its purpose. So, GPs feedback was
           that data-driven development process be promoted and encouraged by government so that GPs are involved and will take this
           exercise seriously in future.
           The process helped ERs to understand their GP situation and maintain data of all department in GP office which was not the case
           earlier. GP has to coordinate from time to time for any data which is resolved now as data is maintained in GP for all sectors
           which would help government too, as GP now can provide data on any indicator without taking much time. This process also
           helped GP to understand which are the functions which come under preview of GP which could be made part of review and moni-
           toring system of GP. In short, availability of data in one place for entire GP, irrespective of department, is huge benefit to GP

           and this would increase the sense of accountability of the GP in village development and governance.

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