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5. Data Collection Process in GPs: departments (b. above), and asked them to fill the data in
timely manner with records maintained by them.
d. Review and data validation at GP office: Once data was
filled by all department functionaries, review with all and
rectifying errors with physical inspection of registers
e. Support to some line department functionaries by GPs: GP
had to support AWW and ASHA for extracting data from
their registers as they were finding it uneasy to fill all the
data in the formats not familiar to them. GP also did physical
verification of records to avoid data discrepancies and
ensure integrity of data.
Panchayat Secretaries in all identified 30 GPs were leading f. PDI committee recommended revised LIF indicators data
collection and follow up: Committee for PDI was
the process and coordinating with 13 different line
simultaneously working on LIF and revising a few of the
department functionaries to give data on their respective
indicators during the data collection process. (As there was a
indicators. GP Secretary had to follow up many times with
delay in revision of LIF, the Committee felt it better to
respective departments for them to give him physical data,
collect data on data points and collect any changes as they
which he noted and which in turn needed to be filled in by
were quite small, so that the PoC can be seen and the PDI
him in google form. There were many challenges while
Committee can finalise its Report.) SIRD kept adding the
collecting the data from departments such as unavailability
new data point entries in google form and GPs on getting
of records readily, misinterpretation of indicators, data being
instructions from SIRD needed to enter the additional data
not updated to reference period, and so on. Hence the GP
points. For these additional data points GP needed to repeat
Secretary had to explain to the line department field
the exercise with all line department functionaries and
functionaries and make them understand the indicators,
ensure they enter it. This needed rigorous follow up with
follow up for any misinterpreted indicators and fill correct
functionaries as they had to again check their records for
data again to get it completed for their GPs.
additional data points.
Key steps involved in data collection at GP level were-
g. Workshop with GPs for rectification and correct
a. Organising meetings of all GP level functionaries in GP: interpretation of indicators by SIRD Director: Towards the
Panchayat Secretary organised meeting of all line last phase, SIRD realised that there were certain data points
department functionaries under the Chairmanship of that GPs were frequently entering data wrongly. This
Sarpanch and explained them the LIF and cleared the doubts seemed due to misinterpretation of data points. To address
of functionaries.
this, SIRD made a list of around 200 data points which were
b. Physical copy of LIF and department-wise indicator filled wrongly by most of the GPs. SIRD Director conducted
explanation: GP had given LIF indicators in physical mode a physical workshop in the district Sangli and addressed the
and each line department functionaries were made to issue of interpretation. It also addressed some of the
understand each indicator. coordination hurdles with line department functionaries.
c. Physical data collection in format: SIRD had prepared a
LIF data collection format for GPs which were given to line
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Process of Field Data Collection 127