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Some data that is not revealed openly-surveys
would provide the estimated values.
06. Data validation for all LIF Indicators
Though the full set of the LIF has been included, due to the
unavailability of correct and reliable data for all indicators at the
GP level, using appropriate method along with proper data
validation mechanism, the figures cannot be taken, at this
juncture for the direct application in the field. This can be
overcome with addressing the method of data collection and the
method of data validation.
07. Neutral Indicators
Neutral indicators are those which can be either positive or
Percentage of Poor households in the GP, Percentage of
negative based on the perspective. E.g. higher crime rate
children who are underweight, Functional toilets in schools,
indicates higher incidence of crime (Negative) as well as strong
separate toilet for girls in schools etc. applicable to all GPs for
crime reporting/tracking status of the GP (Positive). These
calculation of PDI is a large set, and has been recommended for
indicators are not treated separately and have been considered
use in the calculations. How the specific indicators, that are
as negative during normalization.
common to some, but not all GPs can be used, is having good
value addition to see how groups of GPs are performing by 08. Single Target value not applicable
evolving a scale of comparison taking account of the A single Target value for indicators specified at national level
differences through application of equalisation method. cannot be applied for calculations to all GPs, due to their being
in different levels and how the PDI is seen as a motivation for
04. Weightage taken as equal
improvement. However, there is no target value assigned at GP
While assigning weights, unequal weights to some indicators
level as yet. Hence, target value could not be considered in the
might have suited some GPs owing to their local context.
calculations of the PDI. Differential Targets to be fixed in
However, this has not been followed given the normative
consultation has been recommended and lies in the future
assumption that all Themes are equally significant, and the basis
for assigning unequal weights cannot be determined.
09. More beyond PDI scope
05. Data that is not revealed openly
PDI does consider an extensive range of socio-economic-
There might be under-reporting of some indicators such as
environmental indicators, however there will always be
crimes against children, violence against women, alcohol use,
something beyond. For e.g., indicators on protection of
drug abuse, etc. This data is not also going to be revealed
indigenous knowledge, development of entrepreneurship (use of
openly. For e.g., Certain studies on Violence against women
digital banking, UPI, etc.), migration, etc. are not covered.
have revealed that 80% of women who have been abused, do
not report the abuse, and 1 in every 3 women has been victim of The methodology for calculating PDI is a robust exercise that is
domestic violence. Covid brought out the shadow pandemic of based on selecting source data of each LIF indicator, rescaling
Domestic violence. In the absence of assessment of this GP source data, aggregating the rescaled data that can be common
level data, it is not possible to include data on it presently. to all GPs in the country covering all the 34 States/ UTs.
Similar surveys would provide the estimated values. Deriving a statistical measure and transforming the data into
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Challenges and Limitations