Page 25 - PDI Vol 2
P. 25


                                              Table 1(i) : LIF original – LIF for PDI

                                                                                    number of   Sub Indicators    Total
              Sl. No    Theme                                           number of   Indicators
                                                                        Indicators     (A)          (B)         (A+B)

                1     Poverty Free and enhanced Livelihoods Gram Panchayat   40        37            0            37

                2     Healthy Gram Panchayat                               26          23            0            23
                3     Child friendly Gram Panchayat                        20          63           22            85
                4     Water Sufficient Gram Panchayat                      31          30            0            30

                5     Clean and Green Gram Panchayat                       45          41            0            41
                6     Self Sufficient Infrastructure in Gram Panchayat     18          33           128          161
                7     Socially Just and Socially Secured Gram Panchayat    79          68            2            70

                8     Gram Panchayat with Good Governance                  78          75            4            79
                9     Women Friendly Gram Panchayat                        52          46            5            51
                                     Grand Total                           389        416           161          577

                                               Table 1(ii) : Repetitive Indicators

             Sl. No   Theme                                              Total Indicators   Total Repeated Indicators
                1     Poverty Free and enhanced Livelihoods Gram Panchayat    37                   23

                2     Healthy Gram Panchayat                                  23                   11
                3     Child friendly Gram Panchayat                           63                   16

                4     Water Sufficient Gram Panchayat                         30                   2
                5     Clean and Green Gram Panchayat                          41                   1
                6     Self Sufficient Infrastructure in Gram Panchayat        33                   3
                7     Socially Just and Socially Secured Gram Panchayat       68                   28

                8     Gram Panchayat with Good Governance                     75                   0
                9     Women Friendly Gram Panchayat                           46                   10

                                     Grand Total                              416                  94

                                    PDI Committee Report - 2023: Annexure-IV-G
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30