Page 21 - PDI Vol 2
P. 21

Policy  for  incentivization  -  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj  has  been  incentivizing  best  performing  Panchayats
         through National Panchayat Awards. These awards have been revamped and launched during the year 2022 aligning to
         all 9 Themes for GPs and for State/UT/District and Block Panchayat recognizing their important role at these levels, to
         encourage  innovative  action  of  global  relevance,  and  Institutions  to  support  LSDGs.  Support  to  GPs  for  PDI  etc

         measures and interpretation, may be considered in future.
         GPs would seek to move up grades and better their PDI and Thematic scores, because they see their benefit in it. It is

         their  life  and  they  can  see  the  impact  of  their  actions  and  their  inter  se  scores,  and  its  changes.  But  by  nature,
         competition brings a fillip to the whole process of development. If awards alone are the motivation, then most will be
         not motivated. Because currently they are only very few States that have introduced awards and there are less than 50
         GPs awarded at National level. It is more for the States to adopt a suitable recognition process and award systems as
         has  been  explained  in the LSDG  Expert  Group  Report,  providing  for recognizing  changes  and  using  the ranges  of

         scores for this.
         Extra weightage for innovative actions - The definition of innovative action would need to be clear to be able to

         say  that  this  is  Innovative.  Initiatives,  Special  initiatives,  and  Innovative  action,  are  perhaps  the  work  done  that  is
         needed for improvements and progress, go beyond to become little more to catch the eye and be spoken about for more
         to follow, and reach the level of extraordinary, that are exceptions that stand out, and are recognized by awards, or
         become best practices in innovation respectively. MoPR’s recognition of Carbon neutral panchayat in NPA is one such

         initiative. Bringing these into a points system is in this beginning stage felt not possible. However, it is for all levels and
         stakeholders interested in LSDGs to identify such initiatives and see that they receive due recognition and reach more
         GPs for action through replication.

         Block and District Panchayat performance for incentivization - The Committee felt that given the differences in
         devolution  across  States,  the  assessment  of  performance  of  Block  and  District  Panchayat  needs  greater  depth  and
         discussion.  At  present  the  action  taken  by  BP  and  DP  to  enable  incremental  progress  in  PDI  for  its  GPs  can  be
         considered  for  assessment.  MoPR  is  presently  having  in  the  NPA,  awards  for  Block  and  District  Panchayats.  The

         correlation between the devolution, the action taken on PDI resulting in positive changes and parameters of NPA may
         be examined to decide on this. Strong correlation to actions that reflect in the PDI will both enhance the attention on
         PDI, as well as provide an objective basis for assessment.

         Capacity building - Capacity building for PDI is sine qua non. It is not just the GP President and GP Secretary
         who need to be covered but also to be covered are local level functionaries regarding the LSDGs, GPDP, LIF and PDI,
         involvement of PRIs as per guidelines of the schemes, the joint advisories and follow up letters and work, & the roles
         and responsibilities as stakeholders. In the process of preparation of this index, their role with data sharing, validation

         and understanding the indicators, Themes and viewing the index, and interpretation, especially in relation to their work
         and for the progress in the GP, is important.  MoPR as outlined in its vision document should utilize the potential of
         ward members (Panchas) as sector enablers by building their capacity in various thematic areas to be resourceful for
         PDI. Field trainings need to be conducted for all the ward members in a saturation mode in the SDG sectoral areas so
         that they can actively participate in local planning for achieving SDGs

         MoPR  needs  to  develop  modules  for  training  on  PDI,  covering  data  collection  in  Panchayat  and  relevance  of  line
         department, on how to analyze PDI data and include its inputs in preparation of GPDP, VPRP, and Department’s plan.

         CSOs, and others with interest to work with the GPs also need to understand this to orient their work.
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