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17) Standardization of data points

               The source wise data points to be collected needs to be standardized to ensure no ambiguity and integrity of data
               collected. Existing listed data sources need to be de-duplicated to arrive at the data that is to be collected from
               different sources. Primary source of data needs to be identified.

           18) Standardizing of source of GP profile related data

               Single standardized source of Gram Panchayat data, in terms of its complete profile parameters covering all parts
               and  sub-parts,  from  which  all  Departments/Ministries  can  draw  the  data  may  be  put  in  place.  This  avoids

               discrepancy in figures of the same data point and multiple times entry of same data point under different schemes.

           19) Identification of Indicators/data points from administrative data
               Five levels of such identification can be:

               1.  Indicators available with Ministries/Departments under different schemes, which is at Gram Panchayat level,

                  can be directly picked up easily.
               2.  Identification of data points available in data base of Ministries/Departments at Gram Panchayat level, though

                  not used by Ministries/Departments.
               3.  Data available, but not at Gram Panchayat level, which can be drawn for Gram Panchayat on using the LGD

                  code already embedded in the database.

               4.  Data that can be accessed by bringing in the LGD code in the backend.
               5.  Using cross scheme correlation of existing data to enable data collection at Gram Panchayat level, would be

                  effectively  using  the  existing  data  in  various  portals  of  Ministries/Departments  under  different  schemes
                  relevant, and through identification of common correlation points which leads to providing the GP level data.

           20) Data to be collected from Gram Panchayat

               These call for action of two types :
               1.  Identification of data not available in any data sets of government, but available with/at Gram Panchayat, as it

                  is presently collected /used for Gram Panchayat or institutions within the GP.

               2.  Identification of data not available currently with Gram Panchayat, but that which can be collected by GP.

           21) Data to be collected by Survey or other such mechanism

               1.  Identification of Data points, that can only be collected through surveys must be done through standardized
                  regular scientific survey method and with clear guidelines and training for it. This survey must feed into the
                  data points connected to it. The survey can also be beyond the data points covering other aspects of work and
                  life in the GP, and can be either by MoPR or by another Ministry. (E.g. : on gender issues by MoWCD, health
                  issues by MoH&FW, or combined into the MoH&FW survey as was done in NFHS-5. NFHS-5 could not be

                  used for GP level as it does not have GP level granularity).
               2.  The MA survey needs to be integrated with LIF without having to do a separate survey for it. All points for

                  which there is a primary data source in the administrative data of the portal of the Ministry/Department, MA

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