Page 203 - PDI_Report
P. 203

32) Positioning PDI in MoPR

            1.  PDI to be visible on the main website of MoPR and interconnected to key initiatives of MoPR, such as NPA,
                LSDG, eGramSwaraj, GPDP, etc., in MoPR’s own working across its various initiatives.

            2.  PDI & the LIF measures need to feed into preparation of GPDP.

            3.  PDI needs to feed into the NPA

            4.  The use of MA survey as a basis for GPDP needs to be discontinued, once LIF and PDI become the basis, to
                avoid confusion for working for GPs.

         33) Assessment mechanism

            1.  Self-assessment by Panchayats is necessary and should be an integral part of PDI.

            2.  Progress in GPs must be placed in the Gram Sabha and also available in the GP office, and the website of the
                Panchayat and MoPR.

            3.  All GPs need to be taken through checking process using their self-assessments and the data of the Panchayat.
                GPs can make their presentation in the Block level meetings or Clusters of GPs if numbers of GPs in a block
                are very high as in Uttar Pradesh.

            4.  Use of peer review in the process of assessments along with officials and non-officials, as a Team, would
                improve participatory assessment and fairness.

            5.  PDI in its parts (Themes and LIF indicators) and whole, needs to be visible to the people in the GP, building in

                progress & updates.

         34) Involvement of CSOs, Institutions, experts and third-party evaluation
            1.  In the process of developing the PDI for application across the country, a consultation with experts would add

            2.  Use  of  third-party  evaluation  on  the  process  and  its  implementation,  assessment  of  baseline  and  annual

                progress may be done.

            3.  For Analysis and annual documentation of PDI, CSOs, Institutions and Experts can be involved.

         35) Data of Gram Panchayats to be available on the OGD platform
            1.  Panchayats must have access to its entire data so that they can use it for their planning & further action in

                achieving targets.
            2.  Panchayat data should be available for use by other departments, institutions and researchers, CSOs etc. Such

                openness  will  ensure integrity  of  data, transparency  and  bring  more  perspectives  and analysis  beyond  that
                coming through the MoPR PDI application software. It can also influence policy and programme to the benefit
                of GPs, and consequently grassroots level development and achieving SDGs locally and nationally.

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