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involving all the Rural Local Bodies of the State has been initiated with the active involvement of the Blocks and the Panchayat Raj
         Training Institutes. As a pilot measure, initially, five Gram Panchayats from different Blocks were assigned to each of the faculties
         of the Panchayat Raj Training Institute to carry out the activities and based on their extensive field-level intervention two gaps viz;
         information management and manpower deficiency at GP level have been identified:
         Considering  the  above  scenario,  the  State  has  developed  ‘Gram  Panchayat  level  Micro  Team  for  Data  Collection’.  The  elected
         representatives of the Gram Panchayat, along with functionaries, have locally devised methods to gather data that will be vetted by
         the line departments at the appropriate levels in order to close the data availability gap.

         After an in-depth analysis of the ground realities of the RLBs  with the indicators developed by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj,
         Government of India, 52 number of additional state-specific indicators have been incorporated by the State taking the total to 415.
         (This is from the numbers in the LIF as per the LSDG Report.)

         The State is putting in place local action plans involving the local communities for planning, tracking progress and reporting on
         results, collaborating with other actors such as civil society organizations, private sector, international organizations, and seeking of
         technical  assistance  and  capacity  building  for  Local  governments  to  achieve  the  SDGs.  This  can  involve  training  for  local
         government officials and staff, as well as access to funding and other resources.
         (IV) The Case of Jammu & Kashmir

         The Government of Jammu & Kashmir has prepared UT SDG Indicator Framework of 206 indicators covering 81 targets at State
         level,  and  following  this  District  Indicator  Framework  (DIF)  on  SDGs  of  J&K,  UT  covering  15  Goals,  62  Targets  and  166
         Indicators, has been also prepared and finalized in consultation with the NITI Aayog/MoSPI. These 206 indicators included 23 UT
         specific/localized  indicators.  Two  workshops  on  SDGs  were  also  organized  in  Srinagar  to  sensitize  the  Officers  &  Officials  of
         Economics and Statistics Cadre of J&K.

         District Indicator Framework (DIF) on SDGs of J&K, UT covering 15 Goals, 62 Targets and 166 Indicators, has also been prepared
         and finalized in consultation with the NITI Aayog/MoSPI. Districts have been asked to prepare their District SDG Progress Reports
         annually and Districts are working on the same. The draft document SDG PROGRESS REPORT 2022, has been shared with all the
         stakeholders/ Administrative Departments for vetting of Data and bridging gaps. The document shall be uploaded on the PD&MD
         website after its finalisation and Printing. Jammu and Kashmir Government is also in the process of creation of SDG Dashboard.

         The Government of Jammu & Kashmir is in the process of preparation of Panchayat Indicator Framework.

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