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Action  points  for  maintaining  Panchayat  Level  Data   Panchayats for use in planning. This will not only save the
                                                                    costs of data collection, but also help in cross-checking its
                                                                    accuracy and reliability.
         The  following  recommendations  are  made  for  maintaining
         Panchayat Level Datasets including PDI on Open Government     For  formulating  local  plans,  multiple  sets  of  data
         Data (OGD) Platform                                        collections  formats  have  been  communicated.  The  format
                                                                    prescribed  under  GPDP,  Rural  Area  Development  Plan
           The  entire  planning  exercise  requires  collection  and
                                                                    Formulation  and  Implementation  (RADPFI)  and  Saansad
            maintenance of datasets. For evidence-based planning, each
                                                                    Adarsh  Gram  Yojana  (SAGY)  vary  substantially.  Further
            Gram  Panchayat  has  to  invariably  maintain  village  level
                                                                    each  State  has  brought  out  its  own  formats.  The  data
            statistics  to  have  a  continuous  flow  of  data.  Maintaining
                                                                    collected in these data formats needs to be made accessible
            database including PDI is an important aspect of Panchayat
                                                                    to Panchayats. This would not only enable GPs to look at
                                                                    any  incongruence  in  the  same  data  point  under  different
           Every State may designate one nodal Officer at each Block   data portals and formats, but also access the relevant data
            to  coordinate  with  Gram  Panchayats  and  line  department   for its planning on LSDGs achievements.
            functionaries  for  creation  and  regular  updation  of  village
                                                                  The        “Bhuvan        Panchayat       Portal”
            level database. The most suited would be the Officer from
                                                                    (  provides  GIS  data  relating  to
            the  State  Department  of  Economics  and  Statistics.  The
                                                                    Panchayat  boundaries,  soil  information,  groundwater
            manpower support given by MoPR to States from State to
                                                                    potential,  forest  and  watershed  boundary  and  the  geo-
            sub-district  level,  need  to  be  engaged  on  this  also.  The
                                                                    tagged assets of the Panchayats. The use of this data along
            State  and  District  Committees  that  have  been  formed  for
                                                                    with  other  relevant  data  on  GIS,  while  developing  the
            SDGs  or  LSDGs  role  in  ensuring  this  data  collection,
                                                                    village  level  digitized  maps  showing  data  on  required
            sharing etc would be necessary.
                                                                    variables  and  supply  to  Panchayat  for  providing  tools  for
           The  line  departments  need  to  segregate  village  level  data   spatial planning.
            available  with  them  and  share  with  concerned  Gram

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