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"Democracy cannot meaningfully function without an informed citizenry, and such a citizenry is

               impossible without broad public access to information about the operations of government."

                                                                                                    ~ Ryan Shapiro

         Development  in  the  context  of  Gram  Panchayats,  is  complex   their set of KPIs and supportive aspects seen and monitored at
         and  cover  many  economic  social  and  environmental  aspects   different  levels.  This  voluminous  data  is  only  to  a  minuscule
         managed  and  implemented  through  various  departments   extent,  made  available  and  less  still  utilized  by  Panchayats
         through multiple schemes, in addition to what is influenced by   during planning exercise. Since the purpose of planning for the
         the  people  and  the  GP,  and  other  external  players  (NGOs,   GPs  is  for  their  achieving  of  Sustainable  Development  Goals
         Institutions, Agencies etc), operating in the Panchayats. In the   (SDGs)  seen  through  the  prism  of  Themes,  a  number  of
         wake  of  thematic  approach  to  Gram  panchayat  Development   indicators have been developed to provide a reliable picture of
         Plan (GPDP), data pertaining to different thematic areas is very   development  across  the  thematic  areas  at  Panchayat  level.
         crucial  for  the  Gram  Panchayats.  Different  line  departments   Localization  of  SDGs  need  and  generate  lot  of  transactional
         operating at Panchayats level are in control of most of the funds   data  which  is  captured  as  various  data  points,  from  which
         and  programmes  that  flow,  and  work  with  large  raw  datasets   relevant  Indicators  value  is  arrived  at,  which  is  presented  in
         collected  over  time  under  various  schemes,  used  by  the   multiple  analytical  ways  to  the  Gram  Panchayats,  and  also
         Departments for the purposes of monitoring the schemes as per

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