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flagship programs. Panchayats need to take into account local      Ensure  that  their  strength  of  knowing  the  community  is
         contexts in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, from setting   transferred  into  reaching  the  unreached  and  the  core
         the  Goals  and  targets  to  determining  the  means  of   principle of the SDGs of Leave No One Behind.
         implementation  and  using  indicators  to  measure  and  monitor
                                                                   GPs must use the LIF to stake their claim and make their
         progress.  The  Panchayats  while  formulating  GPDP  will  take
                                                                    demands  of  funds  and  programs  from  the  different
         into  account    the    local    contexts  in  the  achievement  of  the
         SDGs  right  from  setting  targets to determining the means of
         implementation and using indicators to monitor the  progress.   MoPR
         For comprehensive GPDP, and follow up with implementation,   Institutionalising PDI and bringing it out to its full scope as a
         the following actions are required  for LSDGs:         tool  for  development  assessment,  development  planning  and
                                                                monitoring,  strengthening  the  involvement  of  PRIs  in  the
            Disaggregate  the  LSDGs  into  Panchayat  level  Themes,
                                                                process of achieving the SDGs as the third tier of local self-
            targets and indicators that will have vertical and horizontal
                                                                government,  drawing  in  the  various  ministries  and  states,
            linkages,  convergence  possibilities,  resource  mobilization
                                                                getting NITI Aayog interested and involved, selling the idea of
            and scope for feasible actions.
                                                                the value of PDI as the yardstick for  evidence based policy
            Initiate an inclusive and participatory planning by building   making, preparation of GPDP based on LIF, presenting  the
            individual and institutional capacity on the LSDGs.   PDI as usable bits and bytes to the GPs, that enables GPs to
                                                                act, capacity building, documenting and sharing best practices
            Adopt goal-based planning with multi-sectoral perspective
                                                                in the use of PDI and LIF by States and sub-state level bodies,
            and converge by building multi-stakeholder partnerships
                                                                presenting the PDI baseline and annual progress report, the
            Prioritize   sustainable   development   through   strong   list for MoPR is a very long one. The PDI ball is in MoPR’s
            Panchayat leadership.                               court  and  how  many  players  the  Ministry  garners  into  this
                                                                series  of  competitions,  across  the  country  at  various  levels,
            Ensure  that  no  one  and  no  place  is  left  behind  in  the
                                                                how many coaches, trainers, and support staff, data analytics,
                                                                presenters, champions for LSDGs emerge. It is teamwork and
            To work with the SHGs and Committees               all have roles to play. The goal is universal.

            To  ensure  data  is  collected,  validated,  and  see  how  the   The SDGs are undoubtedly in the interest of people,
            information that is now available in the LIF can be used for   prosperity, peace and planet, but above all in enlightened
            improvements  in  the  Panchayat,  allocation  of  funds,   self-interest. This is probably the message that needs to
            preparation  of  plans,  take  all  steps  of  process  and   reach all Stakeholders for partnership.
            programme activities, monitor progress and see the impact

            in outcomes.

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