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Community Based Organizations (CBOs)                   The  ability  to  raise  demand  and  back  it  with  data  that  is

                                                                authentic, will enable them -
         This is the power within the GP - the SHGs, Committees of GP,
         Youth, children. Participating in data collection, data validation,      to take up the issues at appropriate forum and also garner
         participating in meetings of Committees, preparing data based   support from different stakeholders within and from outside
         plans, and taking interest in its implementation, volunteering for   the district for required areas;
         the  development  of  the  GP  (for  eg.,  if  the  indicator  shows
                                                                   arrange  various  district  level  workshops  and  capacity
         dropouts,  how  the  educated  youth  can  help  –  each  one  teach
                                                                    building programmes;
         one), may find good response, and very good outcomes.
                                                                   bring  together  different  GPs  for  addressing  similar  issues
         Panchayat  Samiti  /  Block  Panchayat  and  District      within  the  district  and  across  districts,  to  find  greater
         Panchayat                                                  options and opportunities resolution to issues;

         While  devolution  would  be  the  primary  determining  factor  of
                                                                   highlight best practices for other GPs to adopt/adapt.
         the Role that the PS/BP and DP would play, their interest would
                                                                Irrespective  of  devolution  to  the  extent  of  Kerala  or  West
         surely be kindled with the scores of the Block on the Indicators
                                                                Bengal, such a role can be played by the DP and BP.
         and PDI. The comparison with other Blocks in the district and
         in the State will further draw their attention. The ERs from the   MLAs and MPs
         GPs to the BP and DP, would certainly want to see how their
         GPs have fared. This information would enable them to look at
         what all they can do which can be:

           While devolution would be the primary determining
         factor of the Role that the PS/BP and DP would play, the
         scores of the GPs and Blocks on the Indicators and PDI,
         in comparison with other Blocks in the district and in the   Some States have involved their MLAs and MPs in SDGs with
                      State provide action points.              organizing sensitization programmes, presenting the SDG status

                                                                of the State in the Assembly, during the session, including them
         Panchayat Samiti/Block Panchayat                       as Members/ head of SDG Committee in the District / Block.
            Identify the low scoring indicators and low score PDI GPs;   The information from the  LIF and PDI, will provide concrete
                                                                evidence of endowed panchayats, backward panchayats, issues
            Take steps to address skewed distribution of funds, if any;
                                                                to  be  addressed  and  funds  being  allocated  for  it.  The  State
            Mobilise resources for the GP;
                                                                government and officials would be asked to look hard at how
            Join forces with the GPs for improving their and the Block   they  can  improve  performance.  Further  budget  will  be
                                                                demanded for the needy areas. MLAs and MPs can also support
            Provide  support  from  the  BP  that  will  help  augment  the
            work of the GP in achieving better outcomes.        with their constituency funds.
         District Panchayat                                     NIC
         What applies at BP level, applies to DP at both GP and Block
                                                                Technology  use  is  essential  for  the  functionality  of  LIF  and
         level  comparisons  that  provide  action  points.  Inter-district
                                                                PDI.  The  development  of  appropriate  applications  for
         comparison  with  State  and  National  figures,  and  progress
                                                                operationalizing  the  PDI  and  make  it  useful  and  visually
         measurement, and targets setting will give them a clear picture.
                                                                appealing  and  interesting  is  with  NIC  as  the  government
                                                                technology arm. NIC would need to work on:

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