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integration, data sharing etc towards Localising SDGs with   SHGs),  and  community,  evolving  plans,  activities  and
            the  PRIs  through  achieving  the  9  Thematic  Goals  of  the   drawing on multiple stakeholders.
            Panchayats.  The  State  Governments  can  stimulate
                                                                   UN Agencies and other  Knowledge Partners:  Their role
            Panchayat  performance  by   strengthening  National
                                                                    in  the  development  and  functioning  of  Panchayat
            Panchayat  Award  Schemes.  They  may  also  increase  the
                                                                    Development Index mainly encapsulates capacity building
            capacity  building  and  sensitization  of  associated  actors.
                                                                    at National and State level  on the implementation of the
            They  may  also  strive  and  focused  attention  for  the
                                                                    index and across key development areas. They may also be
            implementation of PDI.
                                                                    instrumental  in  capturing  best  practices  across  the  globe
            Gram  Panchayats:  Its  role  in  the  development  and   when it comes to the implementation of such an Index at
            implementation  of  the  Panchayat  Development  Index  is   the local level. Their expertise could also be leveraged in
            indispensable  and  central.  The  Gram  Panchayats  play  a   the  implementation  and  conceptualisation  of  international
            primary  role  in  inter  alia  setting  targets,  identifying   best  practices  in  India;  and  naturally  showcasing  India’s
            priorities,  weightages,  time  frame,  monitoring  and   best practices in the International arena.
            reviewing progress, ensuring correct capturing of data and
                                                                Broadly,  the  role  of  these  actors  may  be  summarized  into  i)
            data  validation,    required  for  monitoring  of  parameters,
                                                                Framework Development ii) Implementation iii) Monitoring iv)
            open,  participative  and  transparent  functioning,  and
                                                                Evaluation  v)  Strategic  initiatives  encompassing  partnerships
            deepening  the  PDI  implementation  to  hamlet  and
                                                                and  capacity  building  of  various  stakeholders  involved  in  the
            household levels  with  Leaving No One Behind. They are
                                                                initiative focussed on the Gram Panchayat and the PDI.
            also instrumental in generating rapid transformation also in
            terms  of  mobilising  the  Committees,  CBOs  (such  as

                       One of the main lessons I have learned during my five years as Secretary-
                      General is that broad partnerships are the key to solving broad challenges.
                        When governments, the United Nations, businesses, philanthropies and
                             civil society work hand-in-hand, we can achieve great things.

                                                                                         ~ Ban Ki-moon
                                                                      United Nations General Secretary

                                  PDI Committee Report - 2023: Stakeholder Analysis                        141
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