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Primary  Stakeholders  in  the  Panchayat  Development  Index   Along with the criteria of the stakeholders’ relationship to the
         are  essentially  the  actors  that  are  directly  affected-  both   effort  in  question,  there  are  several  other  methods  of
         positively and negatively by the Index. Panchayat in this case is   categorising  stakeholders involved in an initiative, the Power-
         the  major  actor  and  primary  stakeholder.  The  developmental   Interest matrix is one such way. A majority of initiatives define
         benefits  that  the  Index  intends  to  capture  will  affect  the   the  actors  as  the  ones  having  a  high  or  low  interest  in  the
         Panchayat  level  first,  making  them  the  direct  beneficiaries  of   initiative  or  as  having  a  high  or  low  power  in  the
         the initiative.                                        implementation and success of the initiative.

         Secondary  Stakeholders,  in  this  case,  are  UN  agencies  and   The diagram shown below defines the different positions in the
         other  partners  who  are  not  directly  affected  by  the  Index  but   Matrix  that  each  actor  has  and  may  have  in  making  the
         hold an interest in the issues that the Panchayat Development   Panchayat  Development  Index  a  success  with  respect  to  the
         Index intends to touch down. They also indirectly benefit from   financial  and  administrative  power  they  have  and  the  interest
         the Index as it intends to measure the developmental paradigms   they hold in the particular initiative.
         and interventions that some of these agencies are also catering
                                                                        Central Ministries, Departments and
         Key Stakeholders, in this case, are predominantly the Ministry
                                                                        State Governments are high on both
         of  Panchayati  Raj  along  with  other  Central  Ministries  and
                                                                        administrative and financial powers
         Departments,  State  Governments  including  Officials  at  sub-
                                                                       impacting on the assessments and  for
         State  level  and  PRIs  at  Block  and  District  level  (where   the smooth implementation of the Index.
         devolution is higher).They do not belong to either of the first
         two  groups  but  their  involvement  is  very  important  for  the
         implementation  of  the  initiative.  They  have  the  potential  to      High  power-High  interest:  The  Ministry  of  Panchayati
         significantly influence the initiative and also drive it forward in   Raj is likely to have the biggest impact on the development
         all aspects of implementation and coordination.            of the Index with the mandate for the development of the
                                                                    GPs  through  the  Panchayati  Raj  Institutions,  and  the
         Power - Index Matrixs
                                                                    ownership  for  the  monitoring  and  evaluation  of  the
                                                                    progress of the Index for the country to achieve SDGs in
                                                                    rural India. In translation of this, its ability to draw, nudge
                                                                    and  guide  the  different  stakeholders  through  the  PDI,
                                                                    facilitating  data  integration,  and  utilising  the  Joint
                                                                    Advisories  that  have  been  issued  by  all  Ministries,
                                                                    mobilising  the  States  through  various  interventions,
                                                                    focussed reviews, data analysis and presentation leading to
                                                                    mapping  of  reforms  required  to  make  this  PDI  central  to
                                                                    implementation in GP area.
                                                                   High  power-Low  interest:  The  stakeholders  like  other
                                                                    Central Ministries, Departments and State Governments are
                                                                    required  to  be  kept  in  the  loop  with  the  up-to-date
                                                                    happenings  in  the  initiative.  They  are  also  high  on  both
                                                                    administrative and financial powers with their work in rural

                   Stakeholders of PDI mapped on
                      the Power-Interest Matrix

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