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8. Data interpretation and analysis                    13. PDI - a limiting factor or a growth instrument
                              There is currently a lack of  capacity   In the use of LIF & PDI, looking at averages of the numbers
                              to  analyse  and  interpret  data.  The   they  show  in  the  indicators,  needs  to  be  consciously  avoided.
                              challenge would be greater as we are   The  target  values  set  must  not  become  limiting  factors  for
                              looking  at  coverage  of  2.69  lakh   growth  and  development.  The  limitation  to  growth  will  arise
                              Gram Panchayats, selection of teams
                              for  such  analysis  and  interpretation   The limitation to growth will arise when challenge
                              who can work with Gram Panchayats,   and competition have no recognition for a large
         capacity  building  for  the  Gram  Panchayats,  and  providing   number of Gram Panchayats.
         analysis  in  system  design,  linking  to  GPDP  are  some  which
         would address this. Involvement of CSOs, Institutions and such   when challenge and competition have no recognition for a large

         others would help overcome this.                       number  of  Gram  Panchayats.  With  better  incentivisation
         9. Purpose of PDI/LIF, use for the Gram Panchayat and use   mechanisms put in place, and the Gram Panchayats seeing their
         in policy and programme                                improvements  in  more  and  more  goals/sub-goals  /targets/
         Gram Panchayats will take to the PDI/LIF and use it if they find   indicators  and  finding  their  self-assessment  their  own
         value in it for bringing positive changes in the Gram Panchayat.   challenges,  the  scope  of  PDI/LIF  to  be  instruments  for
         While the PDI annual assessment is one important aspect, the   measurement of growth & development, can be better exploited.
         actionable  part  of  the  PDI  and  through  the  LIF  for  Gram
         Panchayat is of greater use to the Gram Panchayat.
                                                                01. Lack of real time data
         How far the PDI &LIF will be used in policy and programme is
                                                                The PDI data used for decision making will be of the previous
         up to the Ministries/Departments and States. Such data driven
                                                                year. Thus, it may not provide exact inputs or the ground level
         (data  belonging  to  the  Departments  themselves)  calculations
                                                                scenarios may have changed by then. Building in the timeline
         and evidence, with advocacy from the Gram Panchayats, would
                                                                for data collection and providing actionable data connected to
         be in fact, quite purposeful and useful.
                                                                the LIF, and GPs taking this into consideration and factoring in
         10. Data not easily understandable
                                                                the  changes  while  planning,  would  deal  with  this  to  a  large
         Multitude of numbers will be undeniably incomprehensible and
         not  understandable.  Use  of  effective  presentation  with  use  of
                                                                02. Lack of context
         improved  data  visualisation  tools  than  currently  in  use,
                                                                PDI may not take into account specific context and challenges
         infographics,  GIS  integration  with  disaggregated  presentation
                                                                faced by a particular panchayat, leading to unfair comparisons.
         needs to be developed.
                                                                E.g.,  a  panchayat  may  be  doing  worse  in  water  related
         11. Difficulty in ease of use
                                                                indicators because it lies in a water scarce region, and not due to
         The  use  of  end-to-end  IT  platform  that  can  make  it  easy  to   lack of effort. Interpretation and analysis need to consider such
         collect  data,  present  the  indicators,  Thematic  &  PDI  score,
         navigate the whole PDI with ease, inform citizens and integrate
                                                                03. Geography and single PDI
         with other applications of MoPR has to be addressed.
                                                                Due  to  huge  geographical  diversity  among  the  GPs,  a  single
         12. Data updation
                                                                PDI  is  not  applicable  equally  for  all  GPs.  Different  sets  of
         To  be  meaningful,  and  useful,  periodic  data  updation  is   indicators  need  to  be  included  to  estimate  PDI  separately  for
         required.  Building  this  into  the  LIF  would  need  to  be
                                                                GPs belongs to different region (e.g. coastal region, hilly region
         systemically worked out.
                                                                and PESA Areas). However, a set of Common indicators (e.g.

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