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Challenge as per the Cambridge dictionary means (the situation   for  a  new  perspective  with  understanding
         of  being  faced  with)  something  that  needs  great  mental  or   the integration of process, output, outcome,
         physical  effort  in  order  to  be  done  successfully  and  therefore   and  impact  that  can  be  monitored  with
         tests  a  person’s  ability.  Challenge  can  be  seen  as  a  move  to   quantitative  analysis  and  interpretations,
         convince a person to perform an action they otherwise  would   which at this stage may be challenging.
         not.  Challenge  is  a  dare;  it  is  an  invite  to  take  part  in  a
                                                                2. Use of data and indicators
         competition. PDI (which is being used in conjunction with the
                                                                It is simple and one can understood quite easily,  measures of
         Thematic LIF), is a challenge. It is necessary to put this view,
                                                                physical progress and financial expenditure, whereas looking at
         because  PDI  is  beyond  Statistics.  Its  potential  for  motivation
                                                                these in the context of indicators, and use of data, hitherto not
         and change is tremendous.
                                                                dealt with consciously, is a learning process. The physical and
                                                                financial  progress  of  different  schemes/  programs  should  be
           PDI is a challenge. PDI is beyond Statistics. Its
                                                                data and indicator driven with progress reporting from time to
         potential for motivation and change is tremendous.
                                                                time, which needs a drastic shift from current reporting system.
         Limitation  as  per  the  Cambridge  dictionary,  if  someone  or   This  too  is  simple,  when  presented  and  seen  connected  to
         something has limitations, that person or thing is not as good as   aspects of life.
         they or it could be. Limitations is an imperfection that limits its
                                                                3. Volume of numbers
         use or value. And PDI also has its limitations.
                                                                The 688 data points and 577 indicators, seem voluminous to be
         Understanding  in  statistical  terms  and  usage,  challenges  are   dealt with by the Gram Panchayats. All of these are meaningful
         difficulties we encounter in the process, and when this has no   to  the  Gram  Panchayat  and  relevant  for  the  measurement  of
         effect  on  the  results,  it  is  not  a  limitation.  Limitations  are   progress.  At  national  level,  initially  306  indicators  were
         shortcomings  or  weaknesses  that  may  affect  the  results.  In   identified in the NIF and as per latest NIF - 2022, there are 286
         adhering  to  the  requirement  of  PDI,  having  trouble  in  getting   national  indicators.  Having  577  indicators  in  LIF,  and
         data , is a challenge not a limitation. In a survey for example, if   considering  them  too  much  is  a  top-down  approach  that  as
         sample size is smaller, then the desired statistical analysis may   individuals, we feel is too much. This has not been found to be
         be underpowered and not be truly representative, and that is a   too  much  for  the  Gram  Panchayat  Presidents  and  Gram
         limitation  for  PDI.  Limitations  can  affect  the  results  and   Panchayat  Gram  sevaks,  with  whom  the  PDI  Committee
         consequently  need  to  be  known  when  looking  at  and   interacted in June 2022. They confirmed that all are necessary

         interpreting the results.                              and valid for the GP, and in fact added some. (The Report on
         PDI is a complex and highly detailed calculation that seeks to   Consultative Workshop in Annexure-II may kindly be referred).
         bring  the  use  of  data  and  analysis  for  decision  making  at   Further use of the IT platform with back-end calculations and
         grassroots level and shift from scheme based and expenditure   front-end  presentation  being  done  effectively,  makes  volume
         focus to outcome focus in a holistic context. It has tremendous   easily manageable.
         scope to influence policy, programme and provide evidence for
                                                                Numbers of indicators that are covered can also be reaching its
         advocacy, and hence has challenges and limitations.
                                                                full  level  in  a  timeframe  of  perhaps  2  years.  Considering  the
         Challenges                                             Committees  in  the  Gram  Panchayat,  Standing  Committees,
                                                                Scheme based committees, Thematic  Committees, the  volume
         1. Bringing in the new paradigm in thinking about
         development                                            of  numbers  comes  down  from  577  (which  excluding  sub-
         Implementation  of  schemes  or  programs  by  gram  panchayats   indicators comes to 416 Indicators) at Gram Panchayat level to
         through government or through its own source of revenue calls
                                                                   GPs deal with around 33 Registers at GP level
                                                                 roughly some 478 columns altogether. The 400 +
                                                                     indicators going to be difficult, is unlikely.
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