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deepening  of  digitization  in  the  Government  of  India  and   currently  232  global  indicators  have  been  identified  by  the

         creation of interoperable data systems.                United Nations for monitoring the progress of Global SDGs and
                                                                associated targets. As of June 2022, there are 286 indictors in
             NITI can take up with Ministries to leverage this platform
                                                                NIF  which  are  reflective  of  the  SDG  goals  &  targets.  The
            to monitor the progress at the grassroot level by embedding
                                                                Ministry has identified data-sources based on multi-layered and
            PDI in the OOMF framework.
                                                                iterative  consultations  with  Central  ministries  and  State
            NITI  in  collaboration  with  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj/  governments. The MoSPI acts as the focal point for the data on
            MoSPI/Meity  can  undertake  various  capacity  building   SDGs  in  the  country  and  coordinates  data-related  activities.
            initiatives  (under  the  DGQI  initiatives)  to  onboard  data   MoSPI releases annual progress reports on SDGs based on the
            strategy, system and data driven outcomes through various   indicators  in  the  SDGs  at  national  and  sub  national  level.  At,
            indicators of PDI.                                  national level, State level data for NIF, flows from various data
                                                                source  Ministries/Departments.  MoSPI  coordinates  with  these
            It  can  support  MoPR  in  the  localization  of  SDGs  in
                                                                line  Ministries  for  institutionalizing  the  data  flow  for  SDG
            preparing LSDG framework, strategy and action plan and
                                                                indicators.  Keeping  in  view  the  localization  of  SDGs,  States/
                                                                UTs are also carrying out similar exercises at State and District
            For  strengthening  grassroots  democracy,  NITI  Aayog   level, with support from other line departments.
            working  with  MoPR  as  the  lead  Ministry  in  localizing
            SDGs in rural India and can bring this into national and
            international  discourse,  as  India’s  model  of  localizing
            SDGs.  NITI  Aayog  can  also  arrange  for  international
            participation of the leading GPs in SDG forums.

            NITI can support the PDI that is done by MoPR, through
            policy advocacy.
            The  weblink  from  SDGII  dashboard  to  PDI  Dashboard

            should be integral.
         Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

                                                                Any statement on the SDGs at the national level is incomplete
         The SDGII and other processes with States is fully supported by
                                                                without  associated  annotation  on  the  status  prevailing  in  the
         Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI).
                                                                States.  While  MoSPI  has  developed  National  Indicator
         The MoSPI is responsible for developing and maintaining the
                                                                Framework, it is also providing technical support to the States,
         National Indicator Framework (NIF), which helps monitor the
                                                                in  development  of  comprehensive  and  inclusive  SDG
         progress  of  the  SDGs  and  its  associated  targets.  NIF  is  the
                                                                Monitoring Framework at sub-national level. In this direction,
         backbone of  monitoring of SDGs at the national level and its
                                                                MoSPI has developed and circulated guidelines for the States/
         use provides appropriate direction to the policy makers and the
                                                                UTs  in  July  2019  for  development  of  State  Indicator
         implementing  agencies  of  various  schemes  and  programmes.
                                                                Framework (SIF) to track the progress on the SDGs. As a part
         The  NIF  is  evolutionary  in  nature  and  requires  revision/
                                                                of  celebrations  of  'Azadi  ka  Amrit  Mahotsav',  MoSPI  has
         refinement from time to time owing to the revision of GIF and
                                                                brought out a publication “Guidance on Monitoring Framework
         data availability on SDG indicators at national level. A set of
                                                                on SDGs at sub-national  level”  which, inter alia, includes the

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