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At  the  national  front,  State  and  sub-state  level  emphasis  is   For  national  and  sub-national  progress  monitoring,  and
         required for all stakeholders on having common understanding   generating  momentum  among  the  States  towards  localization,
         and coordination, developing monitoring system and reporting   NITI has developed the SDG  India  Index  and Dashboard, the
         mechanisms. . All stakeholders have roles that will need to take   official  and  principal  SDG  progress  monitoring  tool  of  the
         on the mandate that is positionally linked to them connected to   country.
         the  GP.  Working  in  partnerships  through  ‘whole  of  society
                                                                States and UTs play a pivotal role in the achievement of SDG
         approach’  to  prevent  duplication  of  efforts  leads  to
                                                                targets  at  the  national  level.  NITI  works  with  the  State/UT
         strengthening  legitimacy  of  the  LIF  data  at  the  local  level
                                                                Governments  and  supports  them  in  a  range  of  initiatives  for
         impacting the lives of the communities in rural India.
                                                                SDG  localisation,  including  the  State  and  District  Indicator
         Stakeholder - any individual, social group, or actor who pos-  Frameworks, review mechanisms, and capacity building.
         sesses an interest, a legal obligation, a moral right, or other
                                                                Another,  important  initiative  of  NITI  Aayog  is  the  Output-
         concern in the decisions or outcomes of an organization. Stake-
                                                                Outcome  Monitoring  Framework  (OOMF)  for  various
         holders either affect or are affected by the achievement of an
                                                                schemes and programmes of Government of India. The OOMF
         organization’s objectives
                                                                is  a  major  step  forward  in  the  evolution  of  monitoring
                               – Encyclopaedia Britannica       outcomes.  This  represents  a  departure  from  the  traditional

                                                                approach to government, which focused on outputs like growth
         (Read ‘Organization’ as GP)
                                                                in infrastructure and economic prosperity, and expenditure and
         NITI Aayog                                             numbers of beneficiaries as per targets within the budgets made
                                                                available. The 'Outcomes' are the desired results of the system,
                                                                which  the  Framework  aims  to  quantify.  This  framework
                                                                measures the progress against established benchmarks.
                                                                It is well established that the use of data to inform decisions is
                                                                gaining  widespread  support  as  a  means  of  boosting  the
                                                                effectiveness  of  government  operations  and  the  quality  of

         NITI  Aayog  spearheads  and  monitors  the  progress  achieved   services  provided  to  the  public.  Decentralized  evidence-based
         under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework at   policymaking  in  the  Government  of  India  relies  on  the
         the national and sub-national levels.  NITI Aayog prepares and   availability  of  high-quality,  fast,  and  granular  administrative
         presents India’s Voluntary National Review (VNR) at the High-  data. There is a broad range in data quality and maturity across
         Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development at   the  digital  Management  Information  Systems  (MIS)  and
         the United Nations and represents India at global level.    dashboards  produced  by  the  various  Ministries/Departments
                                                                (M/Ds)  of  the  Government  of  India  for  improved
         NITI Aayog plays an instrumental role in adapting the Global
                                                                implementation and monitoring of their projects. Further, under
         Goals to India. In course of the national consultations conducted
                                                                the overarching objective of driving continuous reforms by M/
         by NITI Aayog, SDG Global Targets , National targets details
                                                                Ds in increasing their data preparedness, the intent of the Data
         as well as metrics related to National Indicators were clarified
                                                                Governance and Quality Index (DGQI) is to enable M/Ds to
         and  linked  to  various  schemes/  programmes  and  identified
                                                                assess themselves at various levels of data maturity on the basis
         supporting ministries for each target.
                                                                of  a  standardized  framework.  This  is  expected  to  lead  to

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