Page 137 - PDI_Report
P. 137

Correlation of PDI to Per Capita Funds

         Correlation of Thematic Score & Resource Envelope of the Gram Panchayats

         This can be done and needs to be done, especially for the involvement of Departments. In the data available on Gram
         Panchayat  resource  envelope  that  was  shared  by  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj,  the  correlation  to  activities  and  the
         indicators and Themes was difficult to establish. (Annexure-IV-C). There is further work involved in correlating the
         funds  to  the  Themes,  also  based  on  components  of  activities.  At  a  broad  level  it  can  be  done,  quite  easily  and
         Departments can see their work and resources to the Gram Panchayat and the indicator scores. It was hence felt better for
         such information to come from the Gram Panchayat and that is also a reason the Gram Panchayat spending on the Theme

         has been added in as an Indicator in each Theme.

         Own Source Revenue is at the discretion of the GP, and can be best deployed for its basic and most important areas of
         work. A comparison of PDI, Total Resource Envelope and Own Source Revenue (OSR) was done.

                                    PDI Committee Report - 2023: Proof of Concept                          111
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