Page 142 - PDI_Report
P. 142

4. Clarity on same data point available at multiple         Number  of  Eligible  elderly  receiving  respective

         locations                                                   pensions  should  be  less  than  or  equal  to  Total
         A standard example is the number of Households.  This       number of eligible elderly destitute

         one data point is available at multiple locations:
                                                                     Number  of  women  headed  households  covered
           1.  Anganwadis-at  each  Anganwadi  covering  its         under PDS system should be less than or equal to
               service area.                                         Number of households covered under PDS

           2.  ASHA worker- covering the service area.               Number of households with FHTC or Toilets cannot

           3.  JJM portal                                            be more than the number of households

           4.  SBM Portal                                            GP spending cannot be in single digit

           5.  MGNREGA Portal                                        OSR assets in GP cannot be zero

           6.  Grama Panchayat own registers                    Other than it  being  built  into  the  system,  it  needs  to  be

           7.  School registers                                 understood as to what these logics are and mean.  Some
                                                                missed out in logic were:
         When data of Households as denominator was collected,
         multiple figures  came  in. Which  one  the  data  collection     Logics in system to make sure Denominator is not

         team is to take & which should be treated as the correct    smaller than numerator.
         one & used by all. This standardisation is required for not     If numerator value is positive, denominator cannot
         only  Households,  but  all  such  data  points.  For  the
                                                                     be Zero.
         calculations, the data of the GP was taken as the standard,
                                                                    In case of ratio calculations, the overall ratio can be
         which is available also in the GP Profile in eGramSwaraj.
         (Data  of  Households  of  sub-layers,  such  as  women     greater than 100.
         headed, AAY and PHH etc were collected by GP where it   The  data  error  being  made  would  then  perhaps  not
         was not available from any specific data source ).     happen.

         5. Data logic                                          6. Values that cannot be entered

         Some logic checks that were applied                    Alpha  where  it  is  numeric,  percentage,  decimal  values,
                                                                calculated  figures,  are  examples  of  those  which  the
             Number  of  women  headed  households  cannot  be
                                                                system  would  not  accept  and  this  too  needs  to  be
              greater than Total households in a GP
             Number  of  children  under  5  years  of  age  and
                                                                7. Data source
              Number of children in age group 0-59 months are
                                                                This is very important for the collection of data to be swift
              same, but values in differ significantly
                                                                and correct. It is worth mentioning that in the process, the
             Area  under  tree  cover  should  be  less  than  Total   portal data is also noted for the relevant data field. e.g.:

              geographical area and cannot be 0                 Transition Rates. This is from the UDISE+ portal and the

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