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Use for policy and programme                           The  GPs  will  do  a  lot  more  than  what  is  being  done
         As mentioned above in the correlation between PHC and   presently and beyond our expectations.
         Healthy  village  Theme  scores,  such  correlations  and
                                                                1. Understanding what is Gram Panchayat level data
         analysis can enable the Department to use evidence for its
                                                                During  the  data  collection,  the  data  points  from
         plan, programme and policy. The GP can also make use
                                                                Anganwadi  was  to  be  collected.  In  some  Gram
         of the wide range of analysis that can be done for placing
                                                                Panchayats  under  the  source  Anganwadis,  for  each  data
         its need and demand more effectively.
                                                                point, there were multiple entries, even upto 14 entries. In
         Grades & continuum                                     some there was only 1 entry for each data point. This was
         Beyond  the  ranking  of  GPs  within  a  block,  as  well  as   not  incorrect  data,  but  was  data  of  each  of  the
         giving  it  the  grade,  ranking  has  been  decided  to  be   Anganwadis  in  the  Gram  Panchayat.  While  some  Gram
         avoided by the Committee, and the Grades were used in   Panchayats gave the sum of all the figures bringing it to
         the presentation of calculations, except for within a block   Gram Panchayat level totals, some Gram Panchayats gave
         to mention its rank. The GP Report card and Block level   individual  Anganwadi  centre  figures.  In  the  process  of

         view of GPs in the block convey this.                  data collection, the concept and understanding that what is
                                                                being asked to be entered is Gram Panchayat data, total of
         Ranking  becomes  difficult  when  scores  become  a
                                                                all  the  units  in  the  Gram  Panchayat  needs  to  be  well
         continuum of scores with very minor differences, if at all
         between GPs, especially at indicator level given the large
         numbers  of  indicators  or  as  the  number  of  Panchayats   2. Designing the data entry format
         increase. Hence the better representation is in being seen   The design used & format used was simple and basic. The
         as Grades, and the use of grades/score bands for the 30   provision  for  multiple  units,  as  in  the  case  of  the
         Gram  Panchayats  were  found  more  effective  and    Anganwadi  centre,  can  be  provided  in  the  data  entry

         informative. Grades are A+, A, B, C, D.                format, & the total generated automatically.

         Learnings                                              3.Data entry formats & auto populating of data.
          1. Is all this worth its while?                       Once  the  APIs  are  linked  to  the  data  points  for  the
                                                                Indicator calculation, these should get auto – populated, &
          2. Will they be able to work with it?
                                                                only that which is yet to be linked needs to be collected.
          3. Will they understand it? Will they be              The exact numbers of data points available systemically
          interested in it?
                                                                in  different  portals,  registers,  not  yet  computerised,  or
          4. What will Gram Panchayats do with so               locally  computerised  for  use  at  Gram  Panchayat  level,
          much data?
                                                                was  asked  by  the  Committee, as  mentioned above. This
                                                                clear  identification  and  providing  it  at  Gram  Panchayat
         The  answers  from  the  work  in  Maharashtra's  30  Gram
         Panchayats & the Proof of Concept is                   level needs to be taken up, by Ministry of Panchayati Raj
         1. Yes                                                 with  NIC  &  Ministries  drafting  necessary  APIs,  and
         2. Yes                                                 standardising data as OGD and use.

         3. Yes, Yes

         4. Yes

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