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ensuring the correlation between VPRP and GPDP, is yet to be
         fitted  in  by  a  process  of  discussion  at  GP  level,  rather  than
         being seen as two tick boxes, without imbibing and putting into
         meaningful  practice,  two  excellent  processes  in  two  different
         Ministries,  which  are  most  powerful  tools  for  planning  and
         development.  PPC  campaign  for  GPDP  and  VPRP  by  the
         VPRC consisting of SHG members, need to be seen as a single
         campaign. The focus from the NRLM to cover these processes
         and  participation  in  the  Mahila  Sabha  would  undoubtedly
         increase,  with  NRLM  looking  to  go  beyond  SHGs  getting
         financial  assistance,  into  empowerment  of  women  and
         participation  in  the  development  processes  for  the  GP  as
         partners, and not be seen as adversaries. In organizing Mahila
         Sabhas,  the  venue  of  the  meeting  is  also  an  important
         determinant  for  attendance  related  decisions  with  women  are
         likely  to  face  restrictions  or  may  be  inconvenienced  while
         moving to certain areas  within the  village. The Mahila Sabha
         meetings  are  to  be  held  at  different  places  depending  on   Women’s economic empowerment is beneficial not only for
         availability  and  other  considerations  for  more  meaningful   individual women but also for their children, households, and
         participation in Gram Sabhas, and addressing of localized issues   communities.  There  is  evidence  of  strong  positive  links
         for women in engendered development in the GP.           between women’s economic empowerment and foundational
                                                                  health  outcomes  for  women  and  their  families,  including
         Theme and SDGs                                           beneficial effects on nutrition – SDG 2 – Zero hunger, family
         Gender equality is a cross-cutting issue with interlinkages with   planning, maternal mortality, and child mortality – SDG 3 –
         all  17  SDGs.  The  2030  Agenda  for  Sustainable  Development   Good health and well-being. There is also a growing body of
         cannot be fully achieved unless gender inequality is addressed.   evidence that indicates that increasing the share of household
         The  theme  is  interconnected  to  specifically  10  out  of  the  17   income controlled by women may produce other benefits as
         goals.  Social  and  economic  empowerment  are  critical  for   well, including greater  investment in children’s education  –
         gender  equality.  A  woman  who  is  a  healthy  and  empowered   SDG 4 – quality education, delayed marriage, and reductions
         will possess the three critical features:.               in gender-based violence – SDG 5 – Gender equality.

             Access  to  income  and  assets:  When  women  have  a   Other interrelated SDGs are also listed below:
             source  of  income,  they  are  on  the  path  to  becoming
                                                                  1.  Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation are critical to ensure
             empowered economically and socially;
                                                                     women’s participation in work.
             Control  of  and  benefit  from  economic  gains:  Women
                                                                  2.  Goal  7:  Clean  and  Affordable  Energy  impacts  women’s
             capable of deciding where, when, and how to spend their
                                                                     household dependence on clean cooking fuel.
             income  see  improvements  in  their  social  and  economic
                                                                  3.  Goal  8:  Decent  Work  and  Economic  Growth  speaks
             status and the level of resources devoted to their children;
                                                                     largely  about  safe  workspaces  and  gender  sensitive  and
             Power  to  make  decisions:  Decision-making  is  a  core   inclusive growth strategy can be planned.
             expression of agency and refers to the capacity of women
                                                                  4.  Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure are likely
             and girls to take purposeful action and pursue goals free
                                                                     to have a bearing on the opportunities for women and their
             from the threat of violence or retribution.
                                                                     participation in work.

                                       Theme 9: Women Friendly Panchayat
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