Page 281 - PDI Vol 2
P. 281
Reduction in Digital Gaps / Digital disparities Data Validation
Improve in the tax collection process This theme mainly focused on the several components of good
governance of Panchayat. Majority of data will be captured
Ensure geo tagged of asset
through different portals of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj e.g:-
The outcomes expected of this theme are:
e-Gramswaraj portal/ PPC campaign, audit online etc. Data
Transparent and Accountable Panchayat
validation would be most appropriately done by the
Quality Service Delivery Neighbourhood Committees, and Grama Sabha. For each
Inclusive and Equitable Governance Indicator, clear guidelines in this regard are to be given.
Vibrant Gram Sabha Monitoring
Women participation in decision making process Data related to panchayat accounts, audit online, Capacity
Building of PRIs are available real time and can be monitored
Citizen Centric Governance
on a monthly basis. Participation of stakeholders/Women in
Data Driven Governance
GPDP, Gram Sabha, Mahila Sabha, Bal Sabha are available and
Technology Enabled Communication can be monitored yearly basis because GPDP is an annual
Participatory Governance exercise. Social Audit Data are available in MGNREGS MIS
and can be monitored quarterly. Certain other Indicators can be
E-literacy and awareness
monitored regularly monthly in some cases like trainings,
Enhanced Own Source Revenue meetings, display boards etc.
Asset Management Record
Self - Assessment and Incremental progress/
Connect to NPA measurement
This has 5 indicators. All 5 indicators are included in this theme
While progress status of that which is captured in portals can be
under National Panchayat Awards i.e. (1) whether the GP has
obtained in annual intervals for annual PDI calculation,
availability of internet connectivity, (2) whether the GPDP progress measurements can be made for different indicators
uploaded on the portal, (3) closing of accounts in eGramSwaraj, based on the type of indicator and frequency at which it needs
annually, (4) number of services are being provided to be seen. Geotagged assets data, Audit online data, Social
electronically under the different categories (Regulatory, Audit also helps to enlighten the progress made in different
Statutory. Developmental & Consumer Utilities Service) at GP
component of the scheme.
level and (5) percentage of expenditure made to empower
Panchayats can discuss at the Mahila Sabha, Bal Sabha, Gram
panchayat/marginalized sections out of GP own fund.
Sabha on different parameters on the relative improvement,
Data Collection and Data Sources where they can assess it. Some would need a survey. Like the
Many Data points connected to this theme are available from Child Report card, a Perception Survey for whether there is
e-GramSwaraj portal, Citizen Charter Portal, RGSA MIS, good governance in the GP, including there any indicators on
Vibrant Gram Sabha Portal, PPC campaign Portal. Some data which clear picture does not emerge from the available data and
can be obtained from Rural Development Department. A few evidence, can be obtained, (political rivalry and local politics
data will be captured from surveys including the MA Survey. notwithstanding). Gram Panchayat standing committee meeting
Administrative data from departments directly relating to some can play a significant role to assess the incremental progress
of the local indicator framework will also be used. made by the Panchayat on monthly basis.
Theme 8: Village with Good Governance