Page 279 - PDI Vol 2
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Major  stakeholders  under  this  theme  are  Self-Help  Groups      Build  the  capacity  of  the  Elected  Representatives  &
         (SHGs)  and  their  federations,  literacy  workers,  ASHAs,   Functionaries of the Panchayats
         teachers,  elected  PRI  leaders,  village  level  Social  Auditor,      Preparedness of Disaster Preparedness Plan
         National  Rural  Livelihood  Mission  (NRLM)  Community      Strengthening  Financial  Management  through  e  enabled
         Resource  Persons  (CRPs),  Anganwadi  workers,  Gram  Rozgar   technology
         Sevaks,  Members  of  Panchayat  Standing  Committee,  Gram      Build ICT GP Infrastructures
         Panchayat  Level  Federations,  Village  Water,  Sanitation  &      Ensure Proactive Disclosure of the information
         Nutrition  Committee,  Panchayat  Executive  Officer,  Livestock      Create  enabling  environment  for  citizen  participation  in
         workers etc.                                               governance
                                                                   Strengthen the Gram Sabha as an accountability forum
         Connect to Sankalp
                                                                   Create Common Property Record
         Panchayats  are  mandated  to  prepare  plan  and  implement      Ensure timely disposal of redressal
         schemes  for  socio-economic  and  social  justice  by  resources
                                                                Programme actions/activities:
         available to Panchayats and converging / integrating schemes of
                                                                Given  below  is  a  listing  of  actions  and  activities  that  can  be
         different line departments. Gram Panchayat Development Plan
                                                                taken to address some of the different Indicators:
         is a time bound process, it should ideally match people’s needs,
         basic  services,  prioritized  in  accordance  with  the  available      Display  of  Public  Information  Board  / Beneficiaries  list  /
                                                                    Site work
         resources and convergence. GPDP should envision local goals
         and their targets for comprehensive plan. To ensure this, Gram      Organize  regular  social  audit  for  monitoring  of  different
         Panchayats  are  advised  to  take  Sankalp  –  a  pledge  for
                                                                   Joint Training of the Elected Representatives  & Frontline
         development  on  particular  themes  of  Localization  of
                                                                    Workers of the line departments for cohesive planning
         Sustainable  Development  Goals.  The  GPs  take  oath  to  work
                                                                   Digital Literacy for key stakeholders
         towards  Good  Governance  for  ensuring  equitable  &  inclusive
                                                                   Presentation of GP Accounts in the Gram Sabha
         development, citizen centric development and digital platform.
                                                                   Maintenance of geo tagged asset of the Panchayat
         Actions required                                          Timely disposal of RTI application

         Process actions:                                          Promote digital platforms
         These could be some of the initial steps that a GP can take -      Discussion  on  Child  Participation  in  the  development
            Strengthening statutory committee of Panchayat         process
            Regularize  meeting  of  the  statutory  committee  of  the      Organize Mahila Sabha / Bal Sabha to address the issues
            panchayat                                               related to women and child development
            Ensure  timely  completion  of  the  Gram  Panchayat
            Development Plan & its uploading in the portal      Special Initiatives
            Ensure regular opening of the Gram Panchayat       At national and State level, initiatives taken have had impact on

            Identify the vulnerable & marginalized families    improving  governance in GPs,  more so because of  the  use of
            Ensure to provide quality services & benefits to the citizen   technology  and  monitoring  the  progress  of  GPs  in  complying
                                                                with  their  adoption  of  them.  MoPR  lead  role  has  been  well
            Take a count of number of women participation in socio-
            political,  economic  activities  and  participation  in   recognised. States initiatives have been also in the enabling of
            community-based organizations.                      better  functioning  of  GPs  in    enhancement  of  Own  source
            Resource  mapping  must  be  undertaken  factoring  in   revenue, preparation of GPDP -  Telangana has focused on the
            resources  available  under  various  schemes  of  central  and
            state government, other organisations in a whole of society   enhancement  of  OSR  of  panchayats  and    developed  an
            approach                                            e-panchayat application for the property tax, trade license fees,

                                                Theme 8: Village with Good Governance
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