Page 285 - PDI Vol 2
P. 285

5.  Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities where the intersectionality
             and  women  in  the  margins  are  being  considered  and
             focuses  on  reducing  inequalities.  Negative  impacts  are
             compounded  for  women  and  girls  who  are  marginalized
             based on multiple forms of discrimination based on race,
             ethnicity,  age,  income,  geography,  disability,  or  other

           6.  Goal  16:  Peace,  Justice  and  Strong  Institutions  where
             indicators  related  to  child  safety  and  the  institutional
             mechanisms available to ensure the rights of women and
             children are considered.
           In this context, the LIF of Theme 9, covers all these aspects
           to women empowerment in the 51  Indicators.          Achieving  the  targets  will  be  useful  in  reaching  the  SDG  5
                                                                gender  equality  which  is  central  to  the  women  friendly
         Theme and connected Themes                             panchayat theme. It also looks to provide a guide to the GP to

         The  Theme  9  women  friendly  panchayat  (Engendered   look at the other connected targets that reflect on development
         Development  in  Panchayat)  is  interconnected  with  other   connected to women in the GP.

           Sl.   Targets                                            Modified GP targets                   No. of
          No                                                                                            Indicators

           1    Target 5.1: End all forms of discrimination against  1. To reduce crimes against             4
                all women and girls everywhere                      women and girls

           2    Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against  2. Ensuring safety of women in          1
                all women and girls in the public and private       public and private spheres
                spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other
                types of exploitation

           3    Target 5.3: Eliminate all harmful practices, such as  3. Prevent girl Child Marriage         1
                child, early and forced marriage and female genital

           4    Target 5.5: Ensure women's full and effective       4. Improve participation of women        6
                participation and equal opportunities for leadership  in political, economic activities
                at all levels of decision - making in political,    and participation in community -
                economic and public life                            based organisations

           5    Target 5.6: Ensure universal access to sexual and   5. To improve to reproductive and        2
                reproductive health and reproductive rights as      sexual health care to women
                agreed in accordance with the Programme of
                Action of the International Conference on
                Population and Development and the Beijing
                platform for action and the outcome documents of

                                                  Theme 9: Women Friendly Panchayat
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