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h) Monitor and evaluate progress: Regular disasters such as floods and landslides and planning
monitoring and evaluation can help to track infrastructure development projects accordingly.
progress and identify areas for improvement. This
c) Infrastructure Data: Infrastructure data provide
can involve setting up systems for data collection,
information about the existing infrastructure in the
analysis, and reporting, as well as conducting
village, such as roads, water supply, sanitation,
periodic reviews of the GPDP to assess its
electricity, and health care facilities. This data is
effectiveness and relevance.
essential for identifying gaps in the existing
Connect to National Panchayat Awards infrastructure and planning new infrastructure
development projects.
This theme has included total 12 indicators under National
Panchayat Awards. 12 indicators are included from the same d) Socio-Economic Data: Socio-economic data provide
theme. These indicators include (1)whether Common Service information about the social and economic status of the
Centre (CSC) is co-located in GP, (2) whether GP Bhawan community, such as literacy rates, employment rates,
has computer with internet facility,(3) meeting hall, (4) and poverty levels. These data are critical for identifying
Drinking water facility, (5) furniture, (6) percentage of the infrastructure needs of the community and planning
villages of the GP with all –weather roads, (7) street light infrastructure development projects that address the
facility on the roads in the GP, (8) GP with storage tank for specific needs of different groups within the community.
water storage, (9) access to Health Sub Center / Health & e) Environmental Data: Environmental data provide
Wellness Centre, (10) access to Livestock Aid Centre and information about the natural resources, such as water,
(11) Primary Schools with playground facility. However, 1 air, and soil quality, and the impact of human activities
indicator related to (12) percentage of HHs living in Kutcha on the environment. This data is crucial for designing
houses is also included in theme 1. sustainable infrastructure development projects that
Data required for Baseline minimize environmental impact and promote
environmental conservation.
Data are crucial for planning and implementing self-
sufficient infrastructure villages. Some of the critical data f) Financial Data: Financial data provide information
required for planning and implementing self-sufficient about the resources available for infrastructure
infrastructure villages are: development projects, such as budgetary allocations,
grants, and loans. These data are crucial for determining
a) Demographic Data: Demographic data provide
the feasibility of infrastructure development projects and
information about the population, age, gender, and
planning project implementation within budgetary
social and economic status of the community. This data
is essential for understanding the infrastructure needs of
the community, such as the number of households, Data collection, Data sources & Data validation
population density, and the demand for essential Data sources are critical for designing and implementing
services such as water supply, sanitation, and health
good infrastructure. Here are some common sources of data
that can be used to inform social security and social justice
b) Geographic Data: Geographic data provide policies and programs:
information about the location, topography, and land use a) Census: The Census of India is a primary source of
patterns of the village. This data is crucial for data on the demographic, economic, and social
identifying the areas that are most vulnerable to natural characteristics of the population. The census is
Theme 6: Village with Self Sufficient Infrastructure