Page 259 - PDI Vol 2
P. 259
providing agricultural extension services to promote infrastructure for clean energy sources, such as solar
agricultural productivity and ensure sustainable rural panels or wind turbines, can help reduce air pollution
livelihoods. and improve air quality.
h) Power / Electricity: Access to reliable and affordable d) Disaster Management: Good infrastructure can help
electricity is necessary for the socio-economic improve disaster management in rural areas by providing
development of the village. A Gram Panchayat should early warning systems, emergency services, and
ensure that every household has access to electricity. evacuation routes.
i) Communication: A Gram Panchayat should have a Programme Actions/ Activities
reliable communication system that connects the village
The theme “An infrastructure self-sufficient GP” is to
with the outside world.
provide catalytic support and create an enabling environment
j) Community Centers: Community centers play an at GP level for better service delivery and pro-poor
important role in promoting social cohesion and development planning. The following public services are
community development. A Gram Panchayat should identified through “An infrastructure self-sufficient GP”, and
ensure that the village has well-equipped community further to an infrastructure rich GP, which will ensure
centers for various cultural and social activities. various SDG goals through its delivery of services in the
Process Actions areas of:
a) Drinking water
The Gram Panchayats should follow the following process to
b) Sanitation
ensure that the benefits of the schemes reach the unreached
of the village. c) Public & Streetlights
d) Roads
a) Economic Development: Access to basic
e) Primary & Secondary Schools
infrastructure such as roads, electricity, and water supply
f) Disaster Centre
can help boost economic development by creating
g) Common Facility Centre
employment opportunities, promoting agricultural
h) Common Service Centre
productivity, and encouraging small-scale industries to
i) Library-cum-infotainment Centre
set up their operations. Developing infrastructure for
j) Livestock aid Centre
agriculture and livestock, such as irrigation systems,
k) Health sub-center
storage facilities, and veterinary clinics, can help
improve agricultural productivity and increase incomes l) Anganwadi Centre
m) Local Markets & Godowns
b) Social Development: Access to basic infrastructure
n) Supportive infrastructure for economic activities
such as schools, healthcare, and sanitation can help
improve the quality of life in rural areas. Education and Special initiatives
healthcare facilities can help reduce poverty and increase To ensure that every village has sufficient infrastructure for
social mobility. Sanitation systems can help prevent the better service delivery,the Gram Panchayat needs to take the
spread of diseases and improve public health. following special initiatives:
c) Environmental development: Environmental hygiene a) Develop a Comprehensive Infrastructure Plan: The
is crucial for good health. The construction of waste plan should identify the infrastructure gaps and prioritize
management systems, such as garbage collection and roads, water supply, sanitation, healthcare, education,
disposal, can help reduce the spread of diseases and and other essential services.
improve environmental hygiene. Developing
Theme 6: Village with Self Sufficient Infrastructure