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b)  Mobilize  Resources:  Mobilizing resources like OSR.   a)  Conduct  a  Needs  Assessment:  A  needs
                Government  grants,  CSR  funding  and  community         assessment  through  surveys,  interviews,  and
                contributions.                                            consultation  give  the  status  of  infrastructure  and
                                                                          help identifying the gaps.
            c)  Build  Roads  and  Bridges:  Roads  and  bridges
                improve  connectivity  to  transport  local  produce  to   b)  Review  Local  Development  Plans:  Reviewing
                markets,  improve  access  to  education,  healthcare,  and   local  development  plans  by  examining  the  plans
                promote tourism.                                          and  policies  of  GPs  provide  insights  into  the
                                                                          infrastructure requirements
            d)  Improve  Water  Supply  and  Sanitation:  Improving
                water supply and sanitation ensure health and well-being   c)  Consider  Local  Economic  Activities:  Local
                of the villagers.                                         economic  activities  provide  insights  into  the
                                                                          infrastructure  requirements  of  villages.  Ex:  if
            e)  Develop Healthcare and Education: PHCs & schools
                                                                          agriculture  is  the  primary  economic  activity  then
                are to improve quality of life in villages.
                                                                          the  infrastructure  requirements  will  include
            f)  Promote  Renewable  Energy:  Promoting  renewable         irrigation, storage facilities, and transportation.
                energy sources such as solar power can improve access
                                                                      d)  Analyze  the  Demographics  of  the  Village:
                to electricity in villages,
                                                                          Analyzing  the  demographics  of  the  village  can
            g)  Encourage  Community  Participation:  Involvement         provide insights into the infrastructure requirements
                of  community  in  the  planning  and  implementation  of   of the village. For example, if the village has a large
                infrastructure ensure that they are tailored to the specific   number  of  school-going  children,  then  the
                needs of the community                                    infrastructure requirements will include schools and

            h)  Grievance   redressal   mechanisms:   Grievance           playgrounds.
                redressal  mechanisms  can  help  to  address  issues  and   e)  Allocate  resources: Once the interventions have
                complaints related to program implementation. This can    been  identified,  resources  need  to  be  allocated  to
                involve  setting  up  hotlines,  complaint  boxes,  or  other   implement  them.  This  can  involve  identifying
                channels  for  beneficiaries  to  report  grievances  or  seek   funding  sources  and  developing  a  budget  for  the
                assistance.                                               GPDP.

            i)  Performance-based  incentives:  Performance-based     f)  Develop   an   implementation   plan:   An
                incentives  can  help  to  motivate  program  staff  and   implementation  plan  can  help  to  ensure  that  the
                service  providers  to  ensure  effective  program        interventions  are  implemented  effectively  and
                implementation.  This  can  involve  setting  up  incentives   efficiently. This can involve developing a timeline,
                for  achieving  program  targets  or  for  providing  high-  identifying  responsible  parties,  and  setting  up
                quality services to beneficiaries.                        systems for monitoring and evaluation.
            Connect to GPDP                                           g)  Mobilize  community  participation:  Community

            The  formulation  of  a  Gram  Panchayat  Development  Plan   participation  is  essential  for  the  success  of  the
                                                                          GPDP.  This  can  involve  engaging  community
            (GPDP)  is  a  crucial  step  in  promoting  social  security  and
            social  justice  at  the  village  level  in  India.  Here  are  some   members  in  the  planning  and  implementation
            steps  that  can  be  followed  to  formulate  a  GPDP  for  self   process,  as  well  as  setting  up  structures  for
            sufficient infrastructure in villages                         community  participation  in  decision-making  and
                                                                          program oversight

                                  Theme 6: Village with Self Sufficient Infrastructure
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