Page 265 - PDI Vol 2
P. 265
About the Theme
The Gram Panchayats are mandated under the Constitution of It seeks to remove barriers that prevent some groups from
India to plan and implement schemes for the wellbeing of accessing the same opportunities and resources as others so that
vulnerable and marginalized groups like SCs, STs, persons with no one is left behind.
disabilities, elderly, women, children, distress migrants, ultra Theme 7 of the 9 Themes is Socially Just and Socially Secured
poor, manual scavengers, transgender and victims of trafficking Village. A Socially Just and Socially Secured village should
etc. Various welfare programs of Central & State Governments have a comprehensive social welfare system, and should play a
under Social Security provide support to individuals and critical role in supporting individuals and families to have
families who are dependent on the State for their basic needs. healthy, stable, and fulfilling lives, focused on the vulnerable
These include direct benefits transfer in cash (social security and those who need the assistance.
pensions), provision of basic staple food through PDS, housing,
water, assistance in unforeseen circumstances like accidental Theme and SDGs
death/ injuries, losses in natural calamities, etc. The State also Theme 7 has direct linkage with the core principle of the SDGs
provides for assistance to support those ultra poor and poor to - Leave No One Behind (LNOB). Understanding of Socially
improve their income levels. Safety is a necessary part of social secured and socially just goes beyond social security pensions.
security and lack of safety adversely effects the mental, physical
SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
and economic well-being. Overcoming the negative impact of
the hierarchical caste system in daily life that exist within the SDG 2: Ensures access to food especially for the
village, in true understanding of the Preamble of the vulnerable, double income of small-scale food producers,
Constitution, is part of the socially just and socially secured GP.
Theme 7: Socially Just and Socially Secured Village