Page 202 - PDI_Report
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27) Data storage and accessibility

              The unit level data used for computation of PDI and the PDI scores should be electronically stored so that a time
              series analysis can be drawn in subsequent years.

           28) Recognition and remuneration for data collection

              Importance of data collection and effort in it to be recognized by providing the remuneration for the work regularly
              done (e.g., As given for MA survey and any surveys and data collection). Additionally in the initial phases, as the
              process is new and involvement of GP has to be brought in, those GPs that do a very thorough work in this can be
              recognized with certificates and medals (Census work done is recognized by the Government of India giving a

              medal to the district).

           29) Piloting the entire process from data collection to PDI and its analysis
              Take up a pilot exercise in each State to go through the process of data collection using the application developed

              for the purpose, and present its outcome to the GPs involved.

              The data collection process must be through a proper and fixed timeline.

           30) Capacity building
              1.  Capacity building is critical in all aspects of the PDI, understanding its use, using of the Thematic scores and

                  Indicator scores in planning and action at Gram Panchayat level with participation of all stakeholders.
              2.  Capacity  building  of  local  level  functionaries  &  sensitize  them  regarding  other  areas  of  development  like

                  Health, Education, Agriculture, etc.

              3.  PDI  processes  needs  to  be  built  in  into  multiple  and  different  on-going  activities,  training  programmes,
                  workshops etc.

              4.  Standing  Committees/Scheme  Committee/Theme  Committee  of  the  GP  need  to  be  strengthened  and
                  capacitated on their roles & responsibilities for preparation of theme-based GPDP, using the LIF.

              5.  Capacity building to be done for States’ pilot teams who would anchor the entire process of data collection for
                  each State.

              6.  Training module, guidelines, etc., for taking up the pilot exercise also to be developed in local language, in
                  addition to all aspects of PDI, LIF, holistic development, data analysis etc.

              7.  The capacity building and training of the facilitators on the GPDP preparation process would need to be fully
                  oriented to the thematic framework and they should be immersed in the process. A module for training on PDI
                  and  data  collection  can  be  included  in  Panchayats’  and  relevant  line  departments’  training  modules.  Also,

                  training on how to analyze PDI data and include its inputs in preparation of GPDP, VPRP can be given.

           31) Frequency of data collection
              Beyond just annual data collection for arriving at the PDI, frequency of data collection (Real-time - Monthly -
              Quarterly-  half  yearly-  annually-any  other)  to  be  clearly  identified  to  provide  progress  checks  and  make  it

              actionable for Gram Panchayat.

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