Page 199 - PDI_Report
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Programme  of  NITI  Aayog.  Fiscal  incentives  for  Aspirational  Panchayats  programme  can  be  considered  by
            Centre/NITI Aayog/State.

         13) Local Indicator Framework and use of Indicators

            1.  All the Indicators are relevant for Gram Panchayats and the numbers need to be seen from Gram Panchayat

            2.  Common  indicators  applicable  to  all  Gram  Panchayats  irrespective  of  region  and  geography  have  to  be

            3.  Provision  in  the  web  application  for  PDI  and  GPDP,  needs  to  provide  for  GPs  to  identify  the  Mandatory
               number of indicators and the Priority indicators in the LIF, based on their choice and needs, which may also

               include National, State, District priorities.
            4.  Commonly  placed  Gram  Panchayats  based  on  specific  indicators  in  the  LIF  (e.g.:  Gram  Panchayat  with
               Primary Health Centre) or identified indicators in the LIF based on geography of the Gram Panchayat (E.g.:

               coastal, hilly etc.) should be used for assessment only where applicable, while not considering them for others,
               to ensure fairness in comparison.

            5.  Comparison of like to like on such specific indicators to be done to enable improvements and better service
               delivery, as the impact of having certain infrastructure and not having them, does affect the development of the
               GP (e.g.: PHCs score in different Panchayats with PHCs; health status in Panchayats with PHCs and without
               PHCs). Analysis of positional advantage needs to be done by use of LIF to understand developmental status in

               relation to the parameters covering these advantages and disadvantages. Institutional partnerships for this will
               be useful.

         14) Data Visualization

            Data visualization of PDI, Themes and Indicators is very important and has to move beyond standard pie charts &
            graphs  to  infographics,  use  of  GIS  and  meaningful  presentation  of  statistics  and  analysis  to  reach  the  GP  &
            people, as well as present to various stakeholders for their appreciation from their perspective.

         15) Data Source

            The data source for each data point needs to be located as to where can it be collected from, with whom is this
            available, and how (where exactly it is). Into which Portals these are being entered also to be noted. This is to be
            done  by every State  to arrive  at  data  source  and availability  in its  Gram  Panchayats.  Further,  there  are  some
            indicators  and  data  points  that  need  to  be  defined  or  explained  properly  to  avoid  any  ambiguity  in  the

            understanding of data collectors and handlers. Hence, a Metadata list may also be prepared for data sourcing by
            every State, with requisite modifications.

         16) Data availability gaps

            The data points, which are not available in some States, needs to be identified, and suitable mechanisms need to
            be put in place.

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