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Step 2: Estimation of thematic score at State level
         Weighted arithmetic means of the thematic scores of the districts using population ratio of districts as weights, have been
         estimated as the State level thematic score. The formula used:

         Thematic score_State =
         Where Wi is the population ratio of the corresponding District.

                     Table 6.19: Illustrates the thematic score for all themes at State level (with grade shades)
                                 Poverty Free
                                                     Child    Water   Clean and   Self Sufficient   Socially   Good
                                    and     Healthy                                                         Engendered
          Block   District  Weight                  Friendly   Sufficient   Green   Infrastructure   Secured   Governance
                                  Enhanced   Panchayat                                                      Development
                                                     Panchayat  Panchayat  Panchayat  Panchayat  Panchayat  Panchayat

          Haveli   Pune   0.359     53.3     82.7     47.2    57.5     57.2       78.7      50.7     70.4     47.7

         Khandala  Satara  0.063    59.1     75.6     47.2    43.7     55.5       66.6      55.8     68.6     50.9

           Miraj  Sangali  0.545    57.3     80.7     46.5    29.4     53.8       75.0      52.6     70.8     51.0

         Pandharpur  Solapur  0.034  57.4    86.9     44.1    33.4     52.3       61.3      57.9     76.8     56.6

         Step 3: Estimation of overall PDI score at State level
         Weighted arithmetic means of the overall PDI of the 4 districts, using population ratio of districts as weights, have been
         estimated as the State level overall PDI score. The formula used:
         Overall PDI score_State =

         Where Wi is the population ratio of the corresponding district.

                              Table 6.20: Illustrates the calculation of State PDI from District PDI
                             Block          District     Weight        District PDI  State PDI

                             Haveli         Pune         0.359        59.2

                             Khandala       Satara       0.063        57.0
                             Miraj          Sangali      0.545        55.0

                             Pandharpur     Solapur      0.034        56.6

         Estimation of analytical group wise score at GP, Block, District and State level
         Indicators under each theme are classified and grouped together to better communicate based on their implication. As per
         example, under theme 1, all 36 indicators are classified under six groupings. The summary of the indicators under these
         six groupings is mentioned in the below table.

                                               PDI Committee Report - 2023: Proof of Concept                       100
   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131