Page 275 - PDI Vol 2
P. 275
MoPR has the AuditOnline application for
carrying out online Audits of Panchayat
Teamwork resulting in a coordinated collective action, by
accounts – further strengthening the
different groups in the GP. SHG-PRI, PRI-Youth, PRI-
financial management and transparency of Children, PRI committees and scheme committees etc.
the Panchayats. One of the unique aspects
of this application is that it is configurable Technology
as per every States’ Audit Act / Rules. The MoPR initiatives in leveraging technology for not just
governance, and increasing the range into evidence-based
To encourage the Spatial planning, implementation, monitoring and outcome
Planning by the Gram assessments, data visualization, information hub in dashboard
etc. Converging Citizen’s charter into service deliveries
Panchayat, MoPR has the
monitoring system. Data sharing from government sources
GIS application “Gram and within GP and open data for the use of GP and LIF.
Manchitra” to better
visualize the various Time-Line
developmental works to Timeline to plan the achieving of the various targets for
achieving the SDGs in the GP under the 9 Theme frame,
be taken up across the different sectors and provide a decision
along with use of technology to monitor its progress and
support system for Panchayat Development Plan (PDP). The provide regular updates and inform the village. It is helpful to
application is being integrated with spatial and non- spatial data organize the work and holding accountable for completing
from various Ministries. the work. It encompasses the task to accomplish with a clear
direction and priorities. The progress can easily be tracked
The Expert Group Report had presented the Theme 8 Good with better management of time. Moreover, it will create a
responsible attitude among the functionaries and beneficiaries
Governance using the 5Ts. The LIF in Annexure-I, Table 2
to get done the task in the given timeline
when used can be a game changer for leading reforms and
achieving outcomes.
MoPR developing the various applications and monitoring
them has supported the increase in level of transparency in
the GP. Transparency is government’s obligation, at all levels
of government, to share information with public, especially
connected to schemes, programs, policies directly and
indirectly impacting. It means that Government officials act
openly and public are allowed to access information on Govt.
policies and actions. Open data, self-declaration, pro-active
giving of information, rather than the use of the Right to
Information Act for demand for transparency in public
Capacity building, presenting different perspectives,
building up of an Eco system in facilitating Social, Political
and Economic empowerment along with addressing the
issues of Social Justice and entitlement, and a derivative of
Teamwork, Technology, Transparency and Time-line, the
GP will see the changes and progress in all the 9 Themes.
Theme 8: Village with Good Governance