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P. 278

Indicators under Target - Common, Priority, Region     indicators,  to  give  more  focus  and  easy  understanding  for
         Under  Theme  8  all  indicators  are  common  indicators  which   Target Values
         apply  to  all  Panchayats.  Governance  in  a  wider  spectrum  is   The Theme, targets and indicators do not have a match in the
         ensuring  transparency,  accountability,  inclusive  development   NIF  or  SIF,  except  as  mentioned  above  the  direct  connect  to
         and  timely  delivery  of  services  for  holistic  and  sustainable   Goal 16. Hence target values here have to be set by the GPs, in
         development in village. Unlike other Themes, here most of it is   a consultative process. It does not matter here as to where in the
         in  the  hands  of  the  GP.  For  e.g.:  strengthening  gram  Sabha,   development  spectrum  the  GP  is  -  Whether  poverty  is  more,
         display of information in public information board, panchayat   income  opportunities  less,  anaemia  and  malnutrition  needing
         account to be presented in the gram Sabha, conducting Mahila   more  attention,  or  water  and  sanitation  to  be  addressed  etc.
         Sabhas, Bal Sabhas, preparation of disaster preparedness plan,   Governance is a factor of universal  values, Social Justice  and
         maintenance  of  asset  record,  maintaining  common  property   Equity, Inclusiveness, Rule of Law, Responsiveness,
         record of panchayat, timely disposal of redressal as per citizen’s
                                                                Accountability, Transparency and such like. There can be only
         charter,  enabling  participation  of  marginalized  section  of
                                                                common target values for all and that has to be the best. Ideally,
         society  in  development  process,  people  participation  in  social
                                                                the timeline must be immediate, and priority must be all.
         audit, planning, involvement of SHGs, Committees, youth, etc.
         GP  can  also  arrange  for  training  and  capacity  building   Considering the indicator  - display of information boards, the
         programmes, sourcing from various agencies. (This last cannot   GP may set itself a target of display at work site, display in the
         be expected of all GPs.)  State role in integration of technology   GP office, display in the website of the GP, and aim to achieve
         enabled communication and  data driven  governance including   this  for  all  works  within  the  current  year  itself,  and  continue.
         provision for GIS and geo tagging of all the assets created at   The consultative process will certainly bring clear and specific
         panchayat, data sharing and information of  works of different   actions for GPs to take for this and each of the Indicators.
         departments,  scheme  sanctions  and  timelines  in  the  GP,
         organising training programs, enhancing own source revenue of    Resources and Stakeholders
         Panchayats  (some  State  Acts  require  approval  of  District   Taking  the  example  relating  to  good  governance,  we  can
         administration for enhancement of certain levies and  fees  and   visualize  the  resources  connected  to  Technology  currently
         there may be district priorities).                     available from Government:
         In as much as the main reins are in the hands of the GP, choice   15  Finance Fund, State Finance Fund, Mission Mode Projects
         of priority in the Theme is also that of GP. It may choose to do   under  National  e-governance  Plan,  National  Digital  Health
         this  based  on  the  visioning  exercises  to  saturate  the  local   Mission, MGNREGS, Gram Urja Swaraj
         targets, or to be a model for others.                  Transformation - The main schemes cover:

         It  may choose, Bal Sabhas,  for a priority, Mahila Sabhas  and   National  Social  Assistance  Programme,  SC/ST  Scholarship,
         neighbourhood  meetings  like  the  Bangla  para  baithak  as  the   Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan, NRLM
         priority.  Training  and  capacity  building,  involving  SHGs  and
                                                                Transparency - Major schemes included:
         Committees may be chosen as priority indicators to work on.
                                                                PMAY,  NSAP,  MGNREGS,  Mid-day  Meal,  Jal  Jeevan
         Grouped Indicators                                     Mission, Public Distribution System, Kisan Credit Card

         Good governance has already been grouped into the 5 Ts, and   Timeline:  National  Cyclone  Risk  Mitigation  Project,
         therein  are  the  79  indicators.  The  5  Ts  provide  better   DDU- GKY, DAY-NRLM
         understanding  in  interpretation  of  the  effect,  outcome  of  the

                                     Theme 8: Village with Good Governance
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