Page 211 - PDI Vol 2
P. 211

         Goal No.   Theme Target             Local Indicators                             Rationale

         3.2       2.End          7. Under-five mortality rate (per 1000 live   Newborns and children are disproportionately
                   preventable    births)                                     affected by vulnerabilities in health infra,

                   deaths of                                                  socio-economic status of a village.
                   newborns and                                               This data will indicate state of health facilities
                                  8. Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live
                   children under 5                                           for newborn and infants.
                   years of age                                               It indicates status of nutrition and poverty

                                                                              It indicates status of institutional delivery,
                                                                              post-natal care, timely vaccination, early
                                                                              childhood curative and preventive care against
                                                                              common diseases like diarrhea.

         3.3       3.Promote      9. Tuberculosis incidence per 1,000 population   Communicable diseases disproportionately
                   prevention, early                                          impact resource constrained communities like
                                  10. Malaria incidence per 1,000 population
                   diagnosis and                                              India and are linked to overlapping
                   treatment of   11. Dengue: Case Fatality Ratio             determinants of health like safe drinking
                   communicable   12. Total number of cases of diarrhea per   water, sanitation, hygiene, etc – thus such data
                   diseases       1,000 population                            can give us key information on this.
                                                                              It shows whether proper measures are being
                                                                              taken to control prevalence of vectors like
                                                                              mosquitoes, flies.
                                                                              It shows availability, accessibility and
                                                                              affordability of primary healthcare as these
                                                                              diseases can be diagnosed and treated early if
                                                                              good facilities are present
                                                                              Analysis of such data will help gauge disease
                                                                              patterns and take targeted initiatives.

         3.4       7. Promote     13. Prevalence of hypertension among men    May indicate limited access to tertiary
                   prevention ,   and women age 18 years and above (in        healthcare

                   early diagnosis   percentage)                              Higher deaths may also indicate absence of
                   and treatment of                                           proper screening at preliminary stages
                                   14. Percentage of population in age group 15-
                   communicable                                               Increased prevalence may also point to
                                  49 who reported sought treatment out of total
                   diseases                                                   preventable factors like tobacco use, high
                                  population in that age group having diabetes
                                                                              BMI, low fruit & vegetable intake, lack of
                                                                              physical activity.

                                                       Theme 2: Healthy Village
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