Page 210 - PDI Vol 2
P. 210
Interpretation of Indicators & Target Values
Theme Target Local Indicators Rationale
Goal No.
3.1 Reduce the 1. Percentage of maternal death to live birth This is an indicator of state of reproductive
maternal health facilities, especially contraception to
2. Percentage of Births attended by skilled
mortality avoid unwanted pregnancies.
health personnel or institutional delivery
It shows the quantity and quality of healthcare
3. Percentage of women aged 15-49 years with staff in form of doctors, skilled birth
a live birth in last one year, who received attendants.
antenatal care, four times or more in last 1 Collecting data on the same will help
year strengthen health systems to respond to the
needs & priorities of girls and women and
4. Percentage of ANC registeration in 1st
create more accountable health systems.
trimester to total ANC registeration
It can help in ensuring timely ante-natal,
post-natal and delivery services.
Theme 2: Healthy Village