Page 209 - PDI Vol 2
P. 209

About the Theme
         WHO defines health as a combination of physical, mental, and   Theme and SDGs
         social well-being.
                                                                SDG  3  (Good  Health  &  Well  Being)  aims  to  ensure  healthy
         Why do we need to focus on “Healthy villages”? The "healthy   lives  and  promote  well-being  for  all  ages  by  2030.  Universal
         villages" concept was created to promote healthy communities   health coverage and sustainable financing, along with improved
         through local action & resource mobilization, with a focus on   sanitation,  hygiene,  and  access  to  physicians,  are  crucial  for
         the  poor  &  vulnerable.  Expectant  mothers,  children,  and   saving lives & healthy economies. Localization is the process of
         adolescent girls require special attention to ensure their health.   adapting the 2030 Agenda to fit local contexts and ensuring the
         Preventable  communicable  diseases  and  non-communicable   involvement of local and regional governments in implementing
         diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are increasing, along   & monitoring progress.
         with  substance  abuse  and  accidents.  Geriatric  and  palliative
         care, early intervention for the differently abled, and education   Theme and connected Themes
         for disease control are areas of concern.              THEMES interlinked to concept of “Healthy Village”, are those
                                                                that  impact  health,  such  as  water,  sanitation,  nutrition,
         Universal Health Coverage: The National Health Policy, 2017
                                                                availability and access to quality health services or those whose
         envisages  Universal  Health  coverage  to  all.  The  Indian
                                                                health is affected, who needs special attention for access to, and
         constitution assigns  health and family  welfare responsibilities,
                                                                availing of the benefits that  are being provided for improving
         such as primary health centres and dispensaries, to Panchayats.
                                                                the health of the individual, such as children, vulnerable, aged,
         The GPs are best placed to facilitate convergent inter-sectoral
                                                                women. The GP as the local self-government has an important
         and  inter-departmental  planning,  provide  community  level
                                                                role to play and that is part of good governance.
         support  to  health  care  providers,  take  active  support  from
         Village  Health  Sanitation  &  Nutrition  Committee,  and  ensure   TARGETS under the theme: Healthy Village, are broken down
         no-one is left behind in coverage and health services for all.    to  10  local  targets,  which  are  further  broken  down  into  23
                                                                indicators as shown below.

                                                       Theme 2: Healthy Village
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