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Index framework:                                       accounting  of  aggregation  of  developmental  performance
         Index  number,  a  vital  statistical  tool,  often  described  as  a   parameters/indicators  based  on  the  LSDG  linked  to  relevant
         Barometer  of  socio-economic  health,  particularly  economic   sectors/SDGs. Indicators have to be selected not for relevance
         health  or  activity,  primarily  provides  a  single  value/score  for   only but also for regular availability of updated information so
         comparing magnitudes of aggregates of related variables to each   that  such  indices  are  constructed  regularly,  analyzed  and
         other  and  to  measure  the  changes  in  these  magnitudes  over   publicized for understanding the developmental performances.
                                                                The  PDI  and  related  measures  are  basic  disaggregated  data
         In  the  context  of  developmental  indices,    the  aggregate   mechanism, for Gram Panchayats (GPs), and in particular are to
         assessment of the performance of a sector or more than a sector   play a pivotal role in planning, implementation and monitoring
         is  measured  by  index  to  help  the  planners,  policymakers  and   of development in their GP. The PDI  would be a vital statistical
         above  all  the  change  seekers  to  evaluate  the  performance  of   tool  to  evaluate  a  base  score  of  each  Panchayat  to  measure
         various  parameters  in  social,  economic,  infrastructural  and   development  at  grass  root  level.  The  PDI  will  keep    the
         environmental  related  activities.  In  this  context,  the  SDG   stakeholders  viz.  elected  representatives,  PRI  functionaries
         Indices at Global, National levels, Human Development Index,   and  frontline workers of  line departments motivated towards
         Hunger  Index  etc.  are  a  few  socio-economic  developmental   to monitor progress through  PDI.
         complex  indices  worth  citing.  However,  the  need  of  a
                                                                VIII. Formation of PDI Committee :
         developmental  index  at  the  local  level,  the  fundamental  local
         unit of self-governance,  Gram Panchayat in the Indian context   Government  entrusted  the  task  of  development  of  Panchayat
         is increasingly felt as necessary to as a measure to monitor and   Development  Index  (PDI)  to  a  Committee    vide  its  order  M-
         assess  the  progress  of  their  development  both  inter-temporal   11015/66/2022-CB,  dated:  2   March,  2022  with  the  terms  of
         and  at  cross-section  level  over  the  time  on  a  regular  basis  to   references,  inter  alia,  to  recommend  the  methodology,  local
                                                                indicators framework, data source for construction of PDI. The
         further identify the gaps and improve the situation.
                                                                PDI based on 9 Themes of LSDG is expected to throw light on
                                                                each  Theme  and  indicators  thereunder.  The  first  of  its  kind
              “An index number is a statistical measure         exercise  at  National  level  may  set  a  new  benchmark  and
          designed to show changes in a variable or a group     baseline  for  working  at  Panchayat  level,  self-assessments,
               of related variables with respect to time,       progress and planning, while also  ranking the Panchayats for
          geographical location or other characteristics such
                                                                all  purposes,  which  may  include  providing  inputs  for
           as income, profession, etc.” - Murray R. Spiegel
                                                                consideration  of  statutory  bodies  like  Central  Finance
                                                                Commission  which  may  consider  it  as  one  of  the  factors  in
                                                                determining the  financial devolution to the PRIs, and also for
         Objectives and Significance:
                                                                planning and monitoring by Ministries and States.
         Accordingly, it is envisaged  to evolve an index framework to
         assess  the  ground  realties  of  status  of  development  in   To  evolve  this  comprehensive  mechanism,  that  would    take
         Panchayat and the efforts made by the local Governments in   forward the initiative of LSDGs and as a measure to monitor the
         implementing  the  Programme  and  in  realizing  the   progress  of  implementation  on  periodic  and  regular  basis,
         developmental  targets.  Panchayat  Raj  Institutions  also  have   MoPR  has  taken  a    giant  step  of  exploring  the  mammoth
         an extent of  flexibility in undertaking activities as per the local   exercise  of  assessing  the  developmental  status  of    the  Gram
         priority. It is proposed to begin  with  a baseline work in the   Panchayats based on their performance by taking into account
         form  of  compact  developmental  indicators  like  the  Panchayat   holistic developmental variables or parameters at local level and
         Development Index (PDI) at  Gram Panchayat level taken from   constructing thereby.

                                      PDI Committee Report - 2023: Introduction
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