Page 34 - PDI_Report
P. 34

The following objectives are envisaged  in preparation of  PDI :      Give GPs a tool to make  what-if choices and make more
                                                                    effective use of funds at their disposal
           Capture the development and movement in development at
            grass root level.                                     To provide measure of outcomes for seeing the impact of
                                                                    programmes for decision makers at various levels
           Ensure  rapid  transformation  of  Panchayats  by  focused
            intervention in  9 thematic  areas.                   Enable  selection  of  areas  to  focus  greater  attention  by
                                                                    different stakeholders
           Monitor outcome indicators on regular basis in Key sectors.
                                                                  Widen the horizons to looking at sustainable development
           Generate positive competition among Panchayats.
                                                                    for all
           Strengthen  PRIs  by  participatory  approach  in  Planning
                                                                  Ensure that there is no Village left behind
                                                                  Provide  a  time  frame  for  envisioning,  planning,  progress
           Keep    the  Elected  Representatives  and  PR  functionaries
                                                                    monitoring at grassroots
            motivated  towards  outcome  indicators  in  their  respective
            areas.                                                Deepen  the  reach  of  development  from  Panchayat  to
                                                                    hamlet and household level and to ultra-poor
           Adopt  multi-sectoral  approach  through  convergence,
            integration and focused attention                   The present Committee assigned to recommend, inter alia, the
                                                                methodology,  indicators  etc.  for  the  construction  of  PDI,  is
           Provide the Indicators, scores as mirror for the Panchayat
                                                                expected to help all stakeholders and open a new chapter in the
            to see its position
                                                                developmental efforts at the local level with the PDI serving as
           Create a systemic, systematic and reliable mechanism that   a barometer in assessing the performance of Panchayats, and to
            provides data for decision  making to the Panchayats, and   motivate the State functionaries to review and revisit the fund,
            sound basis for preparing the GPDP                  functions and functionaries’ aspect of Panchayat administration

                                                                for effective devolvement of the Panchayats.

                                                 PDI Committee Report - 2023: Introduction                         8
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