Page 28 - PDI_Report
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“We do not inherit the earth from
                                                                                our ancestors; we borrow it from
                                                                                our children”

         I. Panchayati Raj Institutions:
         The  73   Amendment  to  the  Constitution  of  India  introduced   While the attention has been on GPs, being the lowest unit of
         Article 243G, which envisages the Panchayats as institutions of   local self-governance, the Block  and  District  Panchayats  have
         self-government  and  provides  that  the  legislature  of  a  State   two distinct roles - one, as the second and first tier of local self-
         may,  by  law,  endow  the  Panchayats  with  such  powers  and   governance respectively; and second -as an aggregator of GPs
         authority  as  may  be  necessary  to  enable  them  to  function  as   in the area, and becoming an advocate for the desired change. In
         institutions of self-government and for the preparation of plans   terms of the first role, the devolution of powers to them is vastly
         and implementation of schemes for economic development and   different  in  different  States  and  consequently  is  to  be  seen  in
         social justice. Devolution of powers to PRIs and to GPs (barring   that context for their activities. The current expectation of them
         Kerala and West Bengal, next being Karnataka) leaves much to   is  in  their  second  role,  which  can  make  them  more  effective,

         be desired.                                            given the equivalent levels of governmental official machinery
         II. Structure and Responsibility:                      implementing multifarious schemes in the GP area.

         As a unit of governance and as enshrined in the XI  Schedule   III. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
         of the Constitution, the Panchayats can formulate/prepare plans   The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to
         and  programmes  in  29  subjects  spanning  from  primary   achieve a better, more equitable and sustainable future for all.
         agricultural  activities  to  public  distribution  and  further  to   The  17  SDGs  were  adopted  and  signed  by  all  UN  Member
         provisioning  of  sustained  livelihood  to  the  villagers  and   States  in  2015,  as  part  of  the  2030  agenda  for  sustainable
         implement  them  for  the  socio-economic  development  of  the   development.  Government  of  India  is  also  a  signatory  to  the
         rural people.  The Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDP),   United Nations SDGs 2030 agenda. The SDGs are a common
         has  the  scope  of  becoming  an  all-compassing  catalytic   mission  for  a  ‘One  World-One  Planet’  for  all.  It  has  been
         component for villages.                                envisioned  as  a  universal  call  to  consider    various  sectors  of

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