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Extension   Officers,   SIRD   faculties   and   UNICEF    4. Preparation of Google forms as tool of data
           Consultants.  Series  of  online  meetings  held  before  the   collection in pilot GPs:
           physical  meeting  in  October  2022  to  finalise  tools  of  data
                                                                   Indicator-wise  discussion  was  again  held  and  indicators
           collection  in  which  ‘google  forms’  were  discussed  and
                                                                   across all themes were gone through carefully, for fixing the
           methods  agreed  upon.  Discussion  on  various  ways  of  data
                                                                   department which would be approached for filling the data.
           collection,  also  with  Consultants  from  MoPR,  and  it  was
                                                                   GP  stakeholder  workshop  exercise  in  June  2022  with  the
           agreed that ‘google form’ will be developed and share with
                                                                   Committee,  helped  in  this  as  SIRD  had  already  done  data
           GPs to fill the required data. Before ‘Google form’ method,
                                                                   source availability in GPs department-wise, as a follow up.
           excel sheets were circulated to GPs with preparing formats
                                                                   Based on data source, 14 departments (including GP) were
           in  LIF.  The  excel  sheets  could  only  be  filled  by  GPs  and
                                                                   identified  and  department-wise  ‘google  forms’  were
           there was separate excel sheets which may not be useful for
                                                                   prepared for LIF indicators’ data points collection. For ease
           larger  purpose  which  was  later  discontinued  and  finally
                                                                   of access, a pdf file was also prepared for GPs who in turn
           ‘google  forms’  as  tool  of  data  collection  for  LIF  data
                                                                   could download excel, pdf or scan the LIF indicators’ data
           collection was agreed upon.
                                                                   points,  whichever  is  convenient  for  them,  to  fill  them
          3. Selection of GPs for Data Collection:                 physically, before entering data in ‘google form’. To make
            Director, SIRD and DDG YASHADA selected 30 GPs for     them  understand  the  themes  better  PPTs  were  attached  as

           data  collection.  The  GPs  were  selected  considering  four   link  for  understanding  concepts  of  thematic  approach  for
           criteria- (i) the GP had previous experience in filling data/  LSDGs  and  purpose  of  the  data.  The  opening  picture  of
           collecting  data  for  various  awards,  (ii)  GP  has  proactive   ‘google form’ is given below.
           Panchayat Secretary (iii) GPs are representatives in terms of
           population,  size,  revenue  and  (iv)  It  has  inclusion  of  both
           rural  and  peri-urban  GPs.  These  GPs  belonged  to  Pune,
           Satara,  Sangli  and  Pandharpur,  all  of  them  belonged  to
           Western Maharashtra region. Limitation of the selection has
           been  purposely  done  looking  at  the  access  and  reach  out
           possibility. These GPs consistently engaged with SIRD for
           any revisions, adaptation of the cumbersome process it has


             S.No    District     Block         No. of GPs
              1       Pune        Haveli           10

              2       Satara     Khandala           5
              3      Sangli        Miraj           14
              4      Solapur    Pandharpur          1
                          Total                    30

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Process of Field Data Collection                126
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