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Process of Data Collection for PDI: Experience from the State of  Maharashtra

         Despite  having  reservations  looking  at  huge  number  of   and special days of special events. During the period, number of
         indicators  in  LIF,  field  data  collection  has  been  successfully   meetings, follow ups and corrections were done to errors in data
         carried out in 30 GPs in the State of Maharashtra. The SIRD,   collection.  The  main  reason  was  the  lack  of  a  good  data
         YASHADA  led  the  process,  with  Dr.  Mallinath  Kalshetti,   collection  designed  software  with  back  end  technical  support.
         DDG,  YASHADA,  Member  of  PDI  Committee  at  the  helm,   The process of data collection was perceived uneasy by GPs as
         supported  by  his  committed  team.  Earlier  in  June  2022  a   they were not used to this type of integrated data collection at
         consultative  workshop  at  YASHADA  Pune  was  organised  to   GP level, and follow up with line department functionaries so
         validate indicators and sources of data availability, which gave   often. However, to the credit of the Team Maharashtra with the
         the  green  signal  for  going  ahead  on  this  track  to  the  PDI   Panchayat  Presidents,  GP  secretaries  (Gram  Sevaks),  BDOs,
         Committee.  That  report  is  placed  as  part  of  the  Committee   and  YASHADA  team,  they  persevered  and  have  shown  the
         Report. The process of data collection for PDI went for almost 3   Proof of Concept of the PDI and what Data the GP has and can
         months  starting  from  October  2022.  Residual  data  collection,   collect. This chapter gives the overview of the process involved
         data  correction,  on  data  cleaning  was  completed  in  the   in data collection from GPs for all LIF together. The process is
         following 4 months. The work of data collection was dome in   explained as it went.
         addition to the regular work, elections to GPs during the period,

                                                                   theme and provide inputs, data availability and so on. They
          1. LIF data availability and LIF validation workshop at   identified  sources  where  data  on  each  indicator  can  be

           SIRD for correction of existing LIF indicators with     collected. Each theme was allocated to respective GP level
                                                                   functionaries  to  check  and  provide  inputs.  Based  on  the
           line department functionaries:                          inputs,  revision  in  LIF  suggested  to  Committee  which
            SIRD invited GP level stakeholders at YASHADA Pune in   appropriately incorporated.

           September  2022  in  which  around  15  selected  GP  level
           stakeholders  representing  line  department  functionaries    2. Formation of team for PDI data collection and
           participated to give their inputs and suggestions of existing   meeting of key team members in SIRD :
           LIF and source of data at GP level. Concerned stakeholder   SIRD,  YASHADA  formed  key  team  to  work  on  data
           were  asked  to  check  each  indicator  for  their  respective   collection  which  is  included  of  Panchayat  Secretaries,

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