Page 327 - PDI Vol 2
P. 327

Theme-9: Women Friendly Panchayat

         There are 8 indicators in this theme measuring the performance of GPs under National Panchayat Awards in women –
         friendly  theme  and  all  are  under  the  same  theme  viz;  i.e.  (1)  total  mahila  sabhas  conducted,  (2)  percentage  of
         underweight  girl  children  (0-5  years),  (3)  percentage  of  anaemic  girl  children  (0-18  years)  age,  (4)  percentage  of

         pregnant  and  lactating  women  (15-49  years)  who  are  anaemic,  (5)  percentage  of  women  headed  households  under
         Aayushman  Bharat-Pradhan  Mantri  Jan  Arogya  Yojana  or  any  State  Govt.  Health  scheme  /health  insurance,  (6)
         percentage of women receiving social protection benefits under Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana (PMMVY),
         (7) percentage of BPL women in SHGs and (8) total budget earmarked for women development related activities by the
         GP respectively. Also, the indicator mapping the prevalence of anaemia among girl children (0-18 years) under NPA is
         considered for 0-18 years age group.

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