Page 325 - PDI Vol 2
P. 325

Theme-2: Healthy Panchayat

         Total 7 indicators are considered in this theme under NPA. 3 indicators are included in same

         Total 7 indicators are considered in this theme under NPA. 2 indicators are included in same theme i.e. (1) percentage of
         children (0-59 months i.e. aged under 5) deaths recorded in GP and (2) Percentage of children age 12-23 months fully
         vaccinated (NPA records 0-6 years data) in GP. While 5 indicators related to (3) percentage of children (6-59 months)
         recorded  anaemic  (<11.0  g/dl)  (4)  percentage  of  children  (aged  under  5)  recorded  underweight,  (5)  percentage  of

         children (aged under 5) recorded stunted, (6) percentage of children (aged under 5) recorded wasted and (7) percentage
         of pregnant women and lactating mothers (including (children of 0-6 years of age) identified/registered and received
         benefits under Integrated Child Development Scheme are captured in themes 3 and 7.

         Theme-3: Child Friendly Panchayat
         The child –friendly theme under National Panchayat Awards is capturing information of GPs on 15 indicators. Out of
         which, 10 indicators are included from the same theme. These indicators include (1) percentage of children (below 5

         years  of  age)  were  recorded  Underweight  (weight-for-age),  (2)  percentage  of  children  (below  5  years  of  age)  were
         recorded  stunted,  (3)  percentage  of  children  (below  5  years  of  age)  were  recorded  wasted  (weight-for  height),  (4)
         Percentage of children with disabilities receiving Early Childhood Intervention (NPA captures it for age group 3-6 years)
         (5) percentage of children (6-59  months) were recorded anaemic, (6) percentage of children between ages 3-6 years
         receiving some form of formal pre-school education or early childhood care, (7) total budget earmarked under Gram

         Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) for child welfare activities, (8) percentage of children 0-3 years who  are out of
         school, (9) functional Village level Child Protection Committee (VLCPC), (10) percentage of fully vaccinated children
         (0-6 years). However, 5 indicators (11) Percentage of 0-3 years registered under ICDS out of total eligible children and
         (12) Percentage of 3-6 years registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (13) Percentage of institution deliveries
         (14) Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana and (15) Percentage of Pregnant and lactating mothers registered under
         ICDS out of total eligible Pregnant and lactating mothers are captured in different themes such as 2, 7 and 9.

         Theme-4: Water Sufficient Panchayat

         Total 10 indicators are included under water- sufficient Panchayat theme. All 10 indicators are included from the same
         theme. These indicators include (1)percentage of Functional Household Water Tap connections (FHTC) with 55 LPCD,
         (2)percentage coverage of Water supply in schools, Anganwadi and public institutions, (3)whether the periodic cleaning
         of Over Head Tanks (OHTs), Ground Level Reservoirs (GLRs) and Hand Pump platforms in rural areas and providing
         drinking water with effective chlorination, (4) percentage of Water sample testing using Field Test Kit (P) (5) whether
         100%  testing  of  drinking  water  sources,  using  FTK,  including  private  sources  and  sanitary  inspection  is  done  by

         Panchayat. (6) percentage of HH having grey water discharge facility at HH level or connected to grey water drainage
         line (7) percentage of institutions/ buildings having grey water drainage line, (8)per capita supply of water LPCD in the
         village  (Target  55  LPCD  as  per  JJM  norms),  (9)  percentage  of  houses  are  having  functional  rainwater  harvest
         mechanisms which are maintained well and (10) number of Rainwater Harvesting Structures, per square Km. maintained
         in  GP.  However,  indicator  measuring  percentage  of  Functional  Household  Water  Tap  connections  (FHTC)  with  55

         LPCDis also repeating in theme -1.

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