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women  and  girls  resulting  in  Gender-Based  Violence   The LIF has indicators that when worked on would result in:
            (GBV)  and  harmful  practices  like  gender-biased  sex
                                                                    Reduction in crimes against women and girls.
            selection  (GBSS),  child  marriage,  etc.  are  covered  in  the
            LIF. Addressing this can be done by integrating gender as     Ensure safety of women in all public and private spheres.
            part  of  the  Gram  Panchayat  Development  Plan  (GPDP),
            drawing  from  the  VPRP.Sensitisation  for  becoming  a     Improve  participation  of  women  in  socio-  political,
            gender  responsive  budget  would  be  a  critical  step  in  that   economic  activities  and  participation  in  community-
            direction                                                based organizations.

           Resource  mapping  must  be  undertaken  considering     Equal wages for equal pay to the women.
            resources  available  under  various  schemes  of  central  and
                                                                    Ensure  quality  nutritious  food  to  all  girl  children  aged
            state  government,  and  other  organisations  in  a  whole  of
                                                                     under ­five years
            government  and  whole  of  society  approach,  including
            training,  IEC,  advocacy,  monitoring,  recognition  and     To facilitate banking service for woman
            finally  culminating  in  effective  implementation  of  gender
            responsive plan.                                        Reduce the maternal mortality ratio

           Convergent action among central and state governments on     Create environment for total enrolment and retention of
            MoPR advisory on PRI-VO convergence, SHGs/VOs shall      girl children in school
            be critical stakeholders in the LSDG process. As SHGs are
                                                                    The outcomes expected of this theme are:
            entry-points to reach every  household in the village, they
            should be made aware of SDG themes, critical indicators in     Women and girls live with dignity, realize their dreams
            line with the dasha sootris.                             and pursue their aspirations.

           Integrate  SDGs  in  trainings  conducted  by  SRLM  on     Women emerging as equal partners in development.
            development  of  VPRP  for  SDG  linked  planning  and
                                                                    Women  have  the  autonomy  to  make  decisions  about
            integration into GPDP.
                                                                     themselves and their lives.
           VPRP plans to be expanded to include SDG themes; plan
                                                                    Women and girls have access to ownership of assets and
            formats  to  be  jointly  developed  by  SIRD-MSRLM.  The
            VPRP shall be presented in the Mahila Sabha, approved by   coverage under social protection schemes.
            gram Sabha.
                                                                Connect to NPA
           VOs  to  conduct  Mahila  samvad  satras  every  month  to   Total 8 indicators are measuring the performance of GPs under
            conduct   different   thematic   discussions,   awareness   National Panchayat Awards in Women Friendly theme i.e. (1)
            programmes  in  collaboration  with  GPs  to  facilitate   total  mahila  sabhas  conducted,  (2)  percentage  of  underweight
            discussions  and  awareness  building  around  key  issues/  girl children (0-5 years), (3) percentage of anaemic girl children
            themes                                              (0-18  years)  age,  (4)  percentage  of  pregnant  and  lactating
                                                                women  (15-49  years)  who  are  anaemic,  (5)  percentage  of
           VOs shall establish GP level social protection information
                                                                women  headed  households  under  Aayushman  Bharat-Pradhan
            and facilitation centres to facilitate access to SP schemes to
                                                                Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt. Health scheme /
            all eligible persons.
                                                                health  insurance,  (6)  percentage  of  women  receiving  social
         Outcomes and LIF                                       protection  benefits  under  Pradhan  Mantri  Matritva  Vandana
                                                                Yojana (PMMVY), (7) percentage of BPL women in SHGs and

                                                  Theme 9: Women Friendly Panchayat
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