Page 252 - PDI Vol 2
P. 252

  Community-based  management  of  natural  resources
            including forests, water bodies and sacred groves.   Best Gram Panchayats    3   First: Rs.1.00 crore
            Protection  of  Biodiversity-  The  Panchayat  that  goes  for   (GUSVPP)      Second: Rs.75 lakhs
            massive plantation can protect the existing flora and fauna                      Third: Rs.50 lakhs
            and  also  goes  for  adding  more  flora  and  fauna  to  its
                                                                 Best Gram Panchayats    3   First: Rs.1.00 crore
            existing stock.
                                                                 (CNVPP)                     Second: Rs.75 lakhs
         Connect to NPA                                                                      Third: Rs.50 lakhs
         Total  7  indicators  are  included  in  this  theme  under  National
         Panchayat Awards. 2 indicator is included from same theme i.e.
         percentage of solar irrigation pumps and solar lights in the GP   Data required for Baseline
         and (2) Did the Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC) of   The  list  of  items  on  which  base  data  need  to  be  collected  is
         the GP maintained People’s Biodiversity Register. However, 5   provided in the Metadata in  Annexure-I, Table 2. The further
         indicators  are  included  in  2  additional  special  categories  of   focus and interest of the GP depends upon the targets prioritized
         awards  out  of  which,  1  indicators  is  included  in  Gram  Urja   to make the village clean & green.
         Swaraj  Vishesh  Panchayat  Puraskar  (GUSVPP)  i.e.  (3)
         Operation  and  Maintenance  of  Solid  &  Liquid  Waste   Data collection and Data sources
         Management (SLWM) assets, and 4 indicators are included in   Data sources  specific to the  Theme  Clean and Green  for  data
         Carbon Neutral Vishesh Panchayat Puraskar (CNVPP) i.e. (4)   collection include both administrative data available in the SBM
         Total  trees  planted  by  the  gram  panchayat,  (5)  proportion  of   MIS, as also the GP own data maintained in Registers such as
         households and public private buildings, etc. are connected with   the GP Toilet Register, Scheme SBM, and where no mechanism
         solar energy means i.e. solar lights panels etc., (6) percentage of   is available today to establish one as per the data and outcome
         households  using  LPG  for  cooking  and  (7)  percentage  of   required,  such  as  functionality  of  toilets,  provision  of  soap
         households using  LED bulbs/lights,  which is included in both   facility,  (which  latter  is  also  to  be  maintained  in  GPs  as  per
         special categories. :                                  guidelines)

          1.  Gram  Urja  Swaraj  Vishesh  Panchayat  Puraskar  for   Data Validation
            adoption and usage of renewable sources of energy
                                                                The base line data and subsequent updated data collected from
          2.  Carbon Neutral Vishesh Panchayat Puraskar for exemplary   different sources or under theme 5 clean and green need to be
            work towards achieving Net-Zero carbon emissions    validated in Gram Sabha or departmental technical source and
                                                                as in the Portal, where it is systemically validated.
         The prize money to the 3 GPs selected are in the Table below:

                                        Theme 5: Clean and Green Village
   247   248   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257