Page 251 - PDI Vol 2
P. 251

b)  Technical,  Financial,  Operational  and  environmental     The  initiatives  will  create  villages  for  the  future  of  our
            aspects: The work starts on drawing out a detailed plan   children, which is lush and green
            for  the  construction.  O&M,  technology  options,  costs,
                                                                   People  will  use  more  renewable  energy  to  protect
            institutional arrangements, etc. All these processes have to
            be  undertaken  by  the  GP,  in  consultation  with  the
            community and with support from the outside experts such     Villages will become 100 % open defecation free
            as  engineers,  finance  specialists,  institutional  experts,  etc.
                                                                   Reduced use of firewood
            The planning activities in the GPDP are explained below:
                                                                   Effective liquid and solid waste management System
         Outcomes of LIF
                                                                   Harnessing local water resources
         The  expected  outcomes  of  Clean  and  Green  Village  are  as

           Sl. No   Parameter     Activities Involved

             1      Technical     Is the required water supply available for this technology to work?

                                  Is the soil type suitable, e.g., for operation of soak ways under this technology?

                                  Is there enough space/transport available for ensuring disposal/removal of sludge?
                                  Does this safeguard human and environmental health?

                                                                 Best Gram Panchayats
                                  Is the technology socio-culturally acceptable to the Community?   3   First: Rs.1.00 crore
                                                                 (GUSVPP)                     Second: Rs.75 lakhs
                                  Will this technology be easy to operate and maintain, given the local expertise of masons?
                                                                                              Third: Rs.50 lakhs
                                  Will this technology be comfortable to use for different sets of users like women, children. and the
                                  elderly?                       Best Gram Panchayats     3   First: Rs.1.00 crore
                                                                 (CNVPP)                      Second: Rs.75 lakhs
                                  Will this technology help in diversifying the use of the community toilet with additional facilities like
                                                                                              Third: Rs.50 lakhs
                                  bathing chambers for women, etc.?

                                  Will this technology offer easy maintenance on a day- to- day basis for the users?

             2     Financial      What is the capital cost? What are the sources of funding for this?
                                  What is the O&M cost?

                                  Is there any revenue generating potential from this technology like biogas production, composting,

             3     Operation &    Will the O&M cost of this technology be viable enough?
                                  Can these costs be raised from the users/other sources?

             4     Environmental   What is the effect of technology selected on general environment?

                                                   Theme 5: Clean and Green Village
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