Page 238 - PDI Vol 2
P. 238
Connect to NPA Data Required for Baseline
Total 10 indicators are included under water- sufficient As per the LIF, the various data points on which data is to be
Panchayat theme. All 10 indicators are included from the same collected has been provided in the Metadata in the Annexure-1,
theme. These indicators include (1)percentage of Functional Table 2. One of the most repeated here is the Number of
Household Water Tap connections (FHTC) with 55 LPCD, Households. Data would be required on Number of FHTC,
(2)percentage coverage of Water supply in schools, Anganwadi Testing done using FTKs, Numbers of Testing to be done as per
and public institutions, (3)whether the periodic cleaning of Over norms laid down, number of water bodies in the GP, number of
Head Tanks (OHTs), Ground Level Reservoirs (GLRs) and rain water harvesting structures in the GP, number to be there,
Hand Pump platforms in rural areas and providing drinking to name a few. Some of this data would be available and on real
water with effective chlorination, (4) percentage of Water time basis in the JJM portal. This portal also gives data up to
sample testing using Field Test Kit (P) (5) whether 100% hamlet and household level. It is also plotted on GIS. This very
testing of drinking water sources, using FTK, including private rich database and data presented in the portal, should be made
sources and sanitary inspection is done by Panchayat. available for easy access to GPs, for their using it to achieve the
(6) percentage of HH having grey water discharge facility at indicators.
HH level or connected to grey water drainage line (7)
percentage of institutions/ buildings having grey water drainage Data Collection and Data Sources
line, (8)per capita supply of water LPCD in the village (Target To ensure sustainable supply of drinking water, a village need
55 LPCD as per JJM norms), (9) percentage of houses are to conduct survey and collect data on the following aspects
having functional rinwater harvest mechanisms which are a) Village water source
maintained well and (10) number of Rainwater Harvesting
b) Village water safety
Structures, per square Km. maintained in GP. However,
indicator measuring percentage of Functional Household Water c) Operation & maintenance
Tap connections (FHTC) with 55 LPCDis also repeating in
d) Water harvesting & water recycling
theme -1.
Sl. No Data Requirement Data Source
1 Village Water source RWS/ PHED dept
2 Water safety GP/ RWS/ PHED dept
3 Tap connections to o all households and public buildings GP
4 Grey Water management GP
5 Per capita availability of water in villages GP
6 Construction of rain water harvesting and recharge works GP
7 Safeguarding of water bodies GP
8 Constitution of VWSCs in each Gram Panchayats GP
9 Water efficient Agricultural practices Agriculture dept
Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village